Monday, February 3, 2014

3 month old McKenzie!

My sweet sweet kenzie, you are now three months old!

You have changed so incredibly much this month! You’ve gone from my little squishy-faced-newborn, into an infant full of personality! I love this stage so much with you because every day you surprise us with a new face, new noise, or something new that we haven’t seen before and it’s all so much fun!
biggest milestones this month:
-          You found your voice! You “coo” and “ooh” all the time now and it’s so sweet hearing you talk. You have a deep voice like your brother and it’s so funny hearing your voice come out.
-          You also found your smile AND your laugh – all in one month. And they completely melt me! We find ourselves tickling you or making crazy noises ALL day long just to get those adorable smiles and laughs out of you. They are the sweetest.
-          Yes, you are very ticklish now too! You are mostly ticklish anywhere on your face, under your chin and under your armpits.  However, you LOVE being naked – and anytime we change your diaper or take off your clothes – you CRACK UP LAUGHING and even yell sometimes because you are laughing so hard. Best thing ever. You finding your laugh AND us knowing how to make you laugh – are by far my two most favorite new things with you J
-          I am very very pleased to say this, so far – you are a total mama’s girl. Don’t get me wrong – your dad can make you laugh and smile faster than anyone – BUT sometimes you cry and cry and the only thing that helps, is me picking you up and talking to you. Heart.Melted. I love nothing more than knowing that I can comfort you guys, so this, naturally, makes me a very happy mama.
-          Even though you are a tad bit of a mama’s girl, I cannot take credit for being your MOST favorite person. That person is 1000% your brother. You smile everytime is he around you and anytime he leaves you instantly start crying. And don’t worry, even though he plays it cool sometimes, I know that you are HIS favorite person as well. You may not understand why he is always running around the house yelling “didter” – but that is only because he’s looking for you <3 you guys are so sweet to each other and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything sweeter!
-          Sleeping: you still wake up every 2-3 hours during the day, but now you get a good 3-4 hour sleep in at night. It’s marvelous. I still wake up feeling like a new person after those long sleeps you take. It doesn’t happen everyday, but it’s a lot more common to get at least one good one in everyday and, boy, are we thankful for those!
-          Eating: you still eat 4 ounces every 2-3 hours. That has been the same for awhile now. Sometimes you’ll drink less, but never more than 4 ounces at once.
-          Clothes: newborn sizes NO longer fit you. It was really really having to pack up all your teeny-tiny newborn clothes that you’ve worn since the day you were born, but it was also really fun pulling out all your 0-3 month clothes we had packed for you. Right now you’re in between sizes because you’re so skinny, but so dang long! Newborn is too small, you are SWIMMING in anything bigger, but pretty much anything with feet is out of the question because you have such long legs. Basically, dresses are the best thing right now for you until you grow some more and can wear your 3 month clothes ;)
-          You are WIDE awake these days! You no longer are a sleepy sleepy girl like you have been, you absolutely LOVE being awake – and you are incredibly more alert. I love it so much because now you can make eye contact and you just gaze into our eyes when we talk and play with you, it’s so sweet.
-          You learned to HUG! Okay, so I don’t know if you’re really “hugging” – but when we hold you, you wrap your arms around our neck and hold our shirts real tight… I’d say that’s a definite HUG! I am ALWAYS holding you now because it’s the sweetest thing feeling your tiny little hands squeeze tight.
-          With being so awake, might I add you have THE most beautiful big blue eyes I’ve ever seen. You and your brother are both blessed with gorgeous eyes! (His green, yours blue) I swear I cannot get enough pictures of them.
-          You want to move around really bad. You try scooting yourself around on the playmat, rolling over when we lay you down, you even try pulling your body up when we lay you on our chests! I feel bad because you get so frustrated that you can’t do the things you want, so you cry and cry until we turn you over or help you move into the place you want to go.
-          Your favorite thing to do is be on your tummy. You LOVE looking around at everything and holding your head as high as you can.
-          With that, you are VERY STRONG. Like, crazy strong. When dad holds his hands under your feet – you are able to kick off and move all over your playmat by yourself. You can hold your head up for over 2 minutes straight now and you can get halfway rolled over on your own.
-          & Yes - You want to turn over really REALLY bad. Anytime you are laying down (whether on your back or tummy) all you do is try and throw your body and legs around so you can roll yourself over. I am CERTAIN that in the next week or so you will roll over.
-          You found your HANDS recently and boyyyyyy do you love your hands! You are always sucking on them or holding them together and playing with your fingers. Mostly though, you love sucking on them and chewing on your fingers. However, we have to watch you because you get so excited you gag yourself sticking your whole hand in your mouth (silly girl)
-          With finding your hands, you also learned how to hold onto things this month! (I swear you grew leaps & bounds this month!) with learning to hold onto things, now you ALWAYS have to have something in your hand. You freak out if we take something out of your hand actually. So you always are holding your blanket, when you sleep by us you have to hold onto our hands or our shirts – you always have to have something in your hand, or else you can’t fall asleep.
-          Your favorite thing to do lately is scratch your head. Yes I am serious. We actually have to clip your nails daily because when you fall asleep now you start rubbing the top of your head and now you scratch it sometimes and if you have the tiniest of nail, it will leave a mark because you do it so often now! I think you like to play with your hair, but since there isn’t a whole lot to play with – you start scratching or rubbing your head instead! LOL
Overall little lady, you are a very happy girl these days! When you are not napping – you are bright eyed and smiling, looking around, coo-ing, laughing and learning how to use your hands and feet to play! I am such a blessed mama to have such happy babies, nothing in the whole world makes my heart happier than to SEE and HEAR you both so full of joy <3
Seeing just how MUCH can change in one short month – makes me very excited to see all the new things you learn to do in the next month!
We are so very blessed to have you in our lives McKenzie, you are the very best surprise we could have ever been given. I cannot wait to see all the things to come with you - I can already see your personality forming and it's so much fun to watch!
Love always, mom.

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