Saturday, January 4, 2014

Fourteen months of Gunner

My dearest little gunner,
You are now fourteen months old! 
And what an amazing little boy you are. 

- you are the FUNNIEST little boy I've ever seen. You love making people laugh and seeing other people laugh makes you laugh even louder. 

- you are also the HAPPIEST little boy, and that alone makes me feel so happy inside, to see how happy you are always. 

- eating: since we've started transitioning you to real food, you're less willing to eat any baby food now. You're pretty picky actually now. You do love macaroni & cheese, all pastas, raviolis and meats. However, you hate all vegetables, soups, and a lot of fruits. You seem to go off texture more than tastes, so we're learning still what you will & won't eat. All in all, you're between baby food & real food. 

- you're very independent. You love foods & drinks you can give yourself and you don't like us to feed you very much anymore. Sad. 

- bottles: you still love your formula bottles more than anything. It's mostly become a comfort thing I've noticed. You get a bottle for bedtime and nap time and usually another one during the day. With your food being so off&on lately, bottles are always a way to get your nutrients in, but slowly we are trying to switch you to more food than formula. 

- sleeping: you are such a great sleeper! Mommy and daddy thank you for this amazing gift. You go to bed every night around 9 or 10 (we let you tell us when you're ready) and you sleep till 10am. Sometimes a little later, but never before 10. Then you take one nap a day for 2-3 hours. You love your sleep & we love you for loving your sleep! Especially with your sister now, you being such a great sleeper is a huge help for us. 

- you are a total cheeseball. Always smiling and laughing and you even have this crazy loud yelling laugh you do, it's the funniest thing ever. You sound like doctor evil because it's such a loud laugh, but it's awesome. 

- everyone absolutely adores you. You have this way of making an entire room full of people just watch you and smile. You literally light up our lives. We always have company coming over just to see you & your sister (we know it's not really to see us) because you both are just so incredibly special to all of us. 

- your new favorite thing in the whole world is juice boxes! You can't get enough of them. You love that you can drink out of the straw and now we've even started giving you the big boy formula that comes in the "juice box" form! (Transition formula for toddlers)

- you love to play! You can play all day and all night and never get tired. You have a house full of toys and you love every single one of them. 

- favorite toys right now: the incredibly loud popper that you run with a you love it! From 8am to 10pm you'll run around the whole house popping, and I can't even get annoyed because you have so much fun with it - it's totally adorable to watch. You got a lawn mower that pops for cheistmas and that's your second favorite now. All your toy trucks that sing and make noise - all of them always have to be out because you love all of them in different ways. You literally love every single toy you get or have, and even though you have favorites - you always manage to play with them all. 

- clothes: as much as you eat, snack & drink - you're still a tiny little thing! You can wear your 6 month clothes but the pants are like kapris so 9 month clothes are the best fits. Most 12 month clothes are still too big so we've got a TON of clothes for you to grow into, whenever you're ready.

-  you have tons and tons of hair! It took awhile to grow but once it started, wow it grew fast. In the last couple months it's gotten so long and wavy, you've totally got a little surfer guy look with your wavy blonde locks. Your dad and I keep planning on your first haircut, but them get sad and postpone it. We're still struggling with you being so big now, your hair is a small way of you being a little baby still. 

- you talk a LOT now! Oh man you can talk & talk forever! I can't get enough of it. I probably record you talking or having conversations with us like twice a day because I never want to forget how completely adorable your baby talk is. You can now say: DAD, DADDA, MAMA, OG (dog), UH-OH (you say it all the time if you drop a toy or fall down), & BALL is your newest word and everything is a ball. Everything that is circular (light bulbs, polka dots on clothes, balloons - everything) is a ball. 
Oh and yes, you can now say SISTER ("didter")! Proudest moment yet! You say it everytime you see mckenzie and really all the time she's nearby. 

- you're a huge cuddle bug now & I just about MELT inside everytime you run over to me and ask to be picked up- all so you can just sit on my lap or lay down beside me. I really hope this phase goes on for a long long time. Really, no amount of time will be long enough because I never want you to stop wanting to cuddling and snuggling with me. 

- speaking of snuggling with me - I am very very happy to say that you are now a TOTAL mamas boy! You love playing with dad, but you always want to cuddle with me or just sit next to me and you are super clingy to me and I LOVEEEEEE IT! Oh man there is nothing sweeter than seeing you asking me to pick you up for no reason other than you just want to be in my arms. I'm going to be so sad when this phase passes also. 

- you know tons of new tricks now! You love spinning around in circles, running and jumping, fluttering your lips really fast with your finger, pointing at things and aging hide & seek! 

- you learned the word "no" and you hate it. You also learned how to throw a fit and those two things go hand-in-hand now. Luckily it takes a couple minutes or giving you one of your toys to get you over your little fit, so they don't last long. But yes, you definitely don't like being told you can't do something you want to do. 

- you're very smart. You always have been pretty "advanced" in our eyes - but now we're seeing just how smart you are in daily things. You got a play toolset for Christmas and after showing you ONE time how to use a screwdriver into a nail- you did it on your own and now use your tools all the time - and in the ways they all should be used! You pick up on things real fast and you love learning new things. You're very very bright. 

Okay, so I can go on and on with this blog just because there's so much you can do now and so many amazing things you do every single day. This is, by far, the funnest age because you are such a little man now. You talk to us, play with is, teach us new tricks, eat and share our food with us, have a sleep schedule like us and you just grow smarter everyday. Not to mention, you are our main entertainment day in and day out because you are so funny and are always making us laugh. In fact, almost daily your dad and I talk about how we wish we could freeze you at this age forever, because you're just so fun and so so loving. & I already can't wait to see your sister at this age and you guys playing and laughing all day throughout the house together. 

You're amazing little guy, you are a true blessing and we are both so thankful for you. You have the biggest heart and such an infectious smile, you make all of our lives so full of love and laughter. And you already are such a great big brother to mckenzie. In fact, that's the next blog :) 

Two month old McKenzie!

My sweet little McKenzie you are now two months old! 

& you have grown so much this past month little one! 

I can't even believe you're the same tiny, sleepy little newborn we brought home from the hospital just 59 days ago.

you made it through your first season of holidays! Christmas & New Years have come and gone now and were prepping for valentines day (my most favorite day of the whole year) in the last month a lot has happened and these are the biggest changes you've made: 

- sleeping: you don't sleep as much as you did a month ago, but it's okay because we love having you awake and really present with us. You sleep 2-3 hours at a time and you're still more awake during the night and more sleepy during the day, but we're slowly working on switching that :) 

- eating: you drink 3-4 ounces of formula about every 2-3 hours. It's been that way for awhile now actually. The longer you sleep the more spread out your feedings are but sleeping & eating are pretty consistent. 

- with the holidays we haven't gotten you in for your two month checkup, but it's very obvious you have grown a lot since last month! 

- you are all legs m'dear. And I mean, alllll legs. Model status. 

- you are so awake now! as much as I love the sleepy newborn stage, I was waiting for the day you'd show us your pretty eyes and be awake more and now you are always awake and so alert! 

- now that your eyes are open we are able to see your beautiful eyes! Big. Beautiful. Sparkly BLUE eyes! I am so I'm love with your eyes, I just stare at you all the time. I probably take a dozen close ups of your face and eyes all day because you're just so beautiful. 

- your eye lashes grew longer & darker too! & As your mom I can admit that I am pretty jealous of all these features! 

- your hair is lightening a little and isn't so black/dark brown anymore. I'm curious to see if it stays brown or turns totally blonde like your brothers.

- you're ticklish now! It is the cutest thing ever to see your big smile full of gums and you literally LAUGH now when we really tickle you. Your most ticklish under your chin and under your nose. Totally adorable. 

- you're a total morning person like I am. You are in the best moods right in the morning (when you're most awake also) you just lay in bed smiling and coo-ing and looking around bright eyes & bushy tailed. That's when I stare at you the most because it's so sweet watching your face light up & smiling. 

- you're iffy on car rides still. You're fine for the most part, except when the car stops then you sorta lose it. But once we get going again your calm down. (Freeways are our friend) 

- you're much friendlier now (lol). In the beginning you'd just cry or look real pissed off a lot. Last month you developed your "mean mug" and became a pro at flashing it when you were mad. This month you developed other faces and it's so nice to see the HAPPY faces! Lol! You have a lot more faces now and I love seeing every one of them! And I secretly love your mean mug because it's so funny & adorable how sassy you are already! 

- you're becoming a total daddy's girl. This makes him really happy because he didn't think you liked him very much up till recently because all you ever wanted was me to hold or talk to you. Now though, he's the one that can ALWAYS get you smiling or laughing & I see your face smile just when you hear him talking in the room it's so sweet and I know he loves every second of it. 

- clothes: your sizes are changing now! You're so long that you really can't wear anything with feet. No footed pajamas or pants anymore because your toes are too crammed for space. You're still in Newborn sizes but they are getting a little snug. But you're swimming in 3 Month size, so we sorta go back & forth. Dresses are always a winner though :) 

- your head grew! I don't have the measurements yet, but a lot of your headbands are snug and we had to retire a lot of them already because they're too tight. But don't worry, Santa did a little headband shopping on Etsy and were waiting three shipments of new ones that will fit you ;) 

- you coo a lot now and I LOVE it. Your sounds are so adorable I record them all the time on my phone because they are so sweet and girly. 

- you found your fingers this month! You love to play with them and put them in your mouth and you get all excited everytime. 

- you're getting a lot stronger! When you are doing tummy time you can hold your head up for almost 10 seconds. You try and try to hold it as long as you can because you love looking around. Even when you're laying on my chest you're trying to hold your head up and look around. 

- you're really wanting to move around on your own now! You're already scooting yourself around and you get frustrated trying so hard all the time. 

Well little lady, those are the big changes this month. You're already so much of a little person now and becoming your own person. You're developing a personality of your own now and it is so much fun watching you come into your own. I'm learning so much about you these days and it makes me so excited to see what the next month brings. You're not just a newborn anymore, you're McKenzie. 

Your dad, brother and I are loving every second with you and we absolutely love having you as apart of our family. We waited a long time to meet you and everyday we love you more. Especially your brother, he is by far you're biggest fan! 

We love you Kenzie girl <3

Thursday, January 2, 2014

TwentyThirteen {A Lookback}

2013 was HUGE for our family! 

I remember New Years last year so well and I remember thinking how exciting the new year would be after having our son. I imagined watching gunner grow up and all the fun things we would do as a family of three, including having our big wedding in June (that is now on the back burner for a few years). Little did I know 2013 had MUCH bigger plans for our little family! 

&& Here we are now, one year later breaking into a new year, and with a NEW newborn! Insane. 

Here's a look back at my favorite memories that 2012 brought us. 

- First New Years as a family of THREE! We visited uncle Chris at the studio then came home and watched the ball drop. 
- Last month of my maternity leave 
- Gunner started teething (way early!) 

- Went back to work and dad changed his work schedule to working only weekends and nights. 
- Valentines Day (my most favorite day of the year!) I surprised Rick with post-it hearts in the bathroom & he surprised me with a gigantic card in my car. After work we had our favorite dinner of round table & apple cider toasts. 
- I had a small car accident with gunner in the car and FREAKED out. I still am so thankful neither of us were hurt all day. I was so shaken up I took gunner to work with me the rest the day. 
- Started searching for my wedding dress. (We ended up pushing the big wedding back though) 
- Gunner had his first photo session

- Persian New Years! We celebrated twice: once at my grandma's house and then again at my cousin Ahmad & his wife Sara's house. 
- Easter fell in March this year so we celebrated at my mom's house in the afternoon then went to rick's moms house for a prime rib dinner at night. Gunner got spoiled by the Easter Bunny and got 100 plastic eggs! Which he ended up playing with until close to august! 
- FOUND OUT WE WERE PREGNANT! Huge surprise. Huge. Id lie if I said I wasn't freaked out at first, but our fears turned to excitement and we began to prepare for a new addition to our little family!  

- After teething for a couple months, Gunners very first tooth broke through!
- We both met our first celebrity! After a couple weeks of trying, I win a contest and got to meet JWOWW & Roger from the jersey shore! I invited a couple friends and gunner came to and got a signed poster from JWOWW and roger complimented him on his t-shirt! 
- We announced to everyone that we were expecting!

- My mom surprised me with a trip to Santa Cruz for my 24th birthday and we took Gunner and spent the day at the Boardwalk and the ocean.
- We had our first night apart from Gunner when Rick surprised me with a trip to Tahoe for our very first wedding anniversary. 
- My very first Mothers Day! Since Rick was working, I spent the morning with my mom, had a big family lunch and then we went to ricks moms for a nice dinner.
- Dad got a new motorcycle! He used to have three and has wanted a new one for awhile and finally bought himself one. Hot dad status! 
- We found out we were going to be having a GIRL! Due on Halloween. 

- Ricks first Fathers Day! Since he has to work we made him breakfast in bed and then gave him all his presents before he went to work. Gunner and I spent the day with my dad, uncle & Karin in Okd Sac and took our very first train ride. 
- Gunner went swimming! A lot too! 
- We got to see our little girl for the first time (she never was in a good position before) at our 20 week anatomy scan and Gunner came and met his sister. 
- Gunner moved to the crib and was totally crib trained this month 

- I got my new car! A Honda Pilot. It's a crossover SUV and such a beauty! And three rows so tons of space for the kids and me.. Rick spoiled us :)
- Gunners first experience with fireworks on 4th of July and he loved watching them all night at ricks moms house. 
- Gunners 9 month photo session 
- John Mayer concert with Rick. This was our second time seeing him live and he didn't disappoint 
- We took Gunner to the state fair and watched a pig be born 
- Gunner said his first word: "Dada" 

- I took my dad to the 49er game in San Francisco for his birthday. First football game I'd ever been to. 
- We asked Dennis & Jamie to be McKenzie's godparents 
- Gunner took his very first steps! 

- We took our very first family photos together and maternity photos :)
- We went and got Kenzie's 3D ultrasound done and the ultrasound tech got to meet gunner after doing his 3D photos a year prior 
- My baby shower! It was at Ricks moms house and on one of the only days it poured rain this year. It was a ton of fun still and Kenzie got totally spoiled. 
- I threw rick a surprise "man shower" and all his friends came and brought diapers for the "beer&diaper" theme 

- Gunner tried cake for the very first time during his cake smash photos for his birthday invitations 
- Gunner also had his12 month photo session
- Gunner started walking by himself 
- I went on maternity leave 
- First trip to the pumpkin patch with gunner. We picked out pumpkins and carved them later that week. 
- Gunners first Halloween. He dressed as a sock monkey and I wore a sock monkey onesie, which ended up being what I wore when my water broke during trick or treating!

- McKenzie was born November 1st at 2:34 PM at 7lb. 9oz and 19.5" long 
- Gunners birthday was on the 3rd and we had a small party with our parents and grandparents for him 
- We threw Gunner a big birthday party the following weekend at the park by our house and he got so many gifts he had to keep opening them the next morning because he fell asleep so early the day of his party. 
- McKenzie got her newborn photos taken at 10 days old 
- We celebrated our first thanksgiving as a family of FOUR. I made the turkey dinner at our house for my side of the family, then we went to ricks moms house that evening. 
- Rick and I went Black Friday shopping that night and got the kids shopping completely done! (We shopped for 7 hours total before picking the kids up nd going home to bed) 

- We bought our very first real Christmas tree! Gunner picked it out and it was the cutest little tree. He kept laughing at it and trying to hug it at the tree lot, so that was the winner. Rick decorated it that night and decorated the whole house with lights inside. 
- Gunner & McKenzie went and seen Santa at the mall. Gunner was terrified and Kenzie slept through the whole thing. 
- I hosted my very first "favorite things" party and six of us girls got together for our first Christmas gift exchange.  
- Family paint night where gunner finger painted canvases and Kenzie added her footprints, gave them as Xmas gifts 
- We took the kids to see Christmas lights in Natomas 
- Christmas Eve at Karin's house with my whole family. Then rick and I spent the night putting the gifts under the tree and all the kids surprises.  
- Christmas! We spent it the morning at our house, afternoon at ricks grandparents and evening at ricks moms house. 
- My first niece Paige was born the day after Christmas and I got the watch her be born. 
- New Year's Eve we celebrated at our house and had a few friends & family over for dinner and to ring in the new year together. 

2013 was one for the books! Amongst those great memories, were so many others left unsaid. Including going through pregnancy with more than SIX of my closest friends! I don't think I ever imagined being pregnant again this year, and as difficult as it was at times - sharing it with my bestest friends, was such a uniquely special experience. Not only did we share pregnancy, we all welcomed our babies into the world this year. I watched almost all my friends' families grow and expand and there was nothing more special. Now both my kids will have a whole group of babies to grow up together with, and there's nothing better than that! 

Not only were we blessed with an addition to our family, most of our friends were as well, if not already, then in the new year. Ah, 2013 was simply delicious. 

I am so looking forward to this new year! I am so excited to watch gunner continue to grow into the little man he has become. He is the light of our life and continues to make all our lives so rich in love and laughter. & Kenzie, well she is just such a blessing on her own. I am so excited to watch her grow into the fun infant stage and even into her toddler stage. She was such a blessing and is the perfect addition to our family. She couldn't be more perfect. I can't wait to see them both get closer as siblings and even start playing and running around together. And I am excited for rick and I to get to share these moments together and to just enjoy our family. Those are the things I look forward most. 2014 will be so special, I can already see it. 

Happy New Years friends, from our family to yours! & thanks for reading. Xoxo!