Monday, June 16, 2014

{ Seven Months of McKenzie }

s e v e n m o n t h s
Oh my goshhhh baby girl, you need to slow your roll! 

Sweet little Kenzie, you are growing faster than a weed! 

- you're almost growing out of size 6 month clothes!

- you drink 4-6 ounce bottles and at night time you get 2-3 bottles in before passing out

- you're already growing out of size 3 diapers! mostly because of your little baby booty you got going on - which I loveeeeee!

- you are FULL of JOY and you make us all so happy because of it.  you are always smiling and laughing and now you scream when you laugh so hard because you can't control all the laughter so you just make loud outbursts. 

- you have a really deep squeel that comes out and you clench your WHOLE body when you get tickled now and it's the cutest thing!! 

- you started talking!  your "coo-ing" is starting to sound like little words and you are alwaysssss talking.  Mostly to your toys and your brother, but I love just watching you play on your own and talking to your toys in your own little world.

- speaking of playing, you LOVE nothing more than playing on the floor with all your toys.  you have all your toys and you play for hours crawling around the house with your toys and going from your toy bin to your brothers.  you are so simply satisfied w/ the freedom of that.

- you are EVERYWHERE now.  I swear we can't keep tabs on you because I look away for five seconds and you're all the way down the hall or halfway into the kitchen!  You're so fast and you are always on a mission of some sort. 

- you follow your brother EVERYWHERE as well. he is your favorite person in the entire universe and anywhere he is - you are following right behind him or you are just watching him from afar and smiling and laughing at whatever it is he is doing at that moment. 

- I'm a bit sad because you're not so cuddly anymore because you always want to be on the move doing your own thing (wah!) If you're not trying to get down when we pick you up - you stand up and just bounce and bounce instead of letting us hold you.  you're a little jumping bean and will not stay still anymore! 

- you are sitting up by yourself now! You still prefer to lean against things, but you can by yourself when you want to also! You especially like to do it when gunners sitting on the floor with you - you usually like to do what he is doing or try to at least <3

- yes, you LOVE jumping in your jumper and bouncer now and get super crazy the second we put you in it.  you start yelling and screaming and bouncing so high that everything starts shaking super loud!  it's so funny but we've learned a couple times we can't put you in it after bedtime because you get so crazy it wakes your brother up! haha!

- you're still a little love though when you're tired, and for that I am so thankful.  I am not ready to not have a cuddly baby anymore so I love when you're sleepy because all you want is to be held and cuddled and you just squeeze my arm or hold onto my hair or face.  You just love to be loved and to love on others, and it's so sweet.

- you are STANDING up on your own now.  I know, it's just mean how fast of a hurry you are to grow up.  You try so hard and will not give up until you are fully standing against something, even it takes you a full 10 minutes - you pull, fall over, pull yourself back up and then keep trying over & over until you finally stand up on your own.

- you LOVE baby food.  we haven't found a single one you won't eat. def your mama's girl.

- you ended up trying juice a bit early (thanks gunner) and you love it.  i'm not sure if it's your brothers sippy cups you love to suck on and play with, or the surprising drink inside - but you seek out his cups when he's playing and snatch them the second he leaves them unattended.

- you are eating baby puffs now and OMG you freak out when you get them or see them out! You zone in and start flinging your hands around and yelling at us until we put it in your mouth. 

- you're getting better about your carseat now.  you dad hooked up some toys on it and a little mirror so you can see yourself, so that helps a lot.  you still dont LOVE the carseat, but you last a lot longer in it once you realize your friends return when you get in your seat.

- you are crazy strong! like, everyone talks about it because it's scary. nobody can outstrength you and you fight with all your might if you don't want to do something!

- you love your brother's ball pit. it's probably your favorite place in the house to play. and now you can crawl in and out by yourself (which is crazy to watch) and you spend all day just crawling in & out of it playing and laughing in the ball pit. even when there's no balls - you just think it's the funniest thing to be in there again! 

- you still are a little night owl.  you sleep for 2-3 hours TOP at a time. then you wake up, scream until you get a bottle, fall back asleep, then wake up another 2 hours later.  then around 4-5 am you wake up ready to play and then just fight sleep and roll around yelling at everyone for about an hour... then you're biggest sleep period is about 4-5 hours after you finally fall back asleep. yeah. we're working on it, but you just loveeeee to be awake.  you fight it and it takes me FOREVER to put you back to sleep sometimes just because you won't let yourself fall asleep. 

- you took your very first nap in your crib this month!  you've never slept in it but you fell asleep in your brothers so we put you in yours to try it out and you slept for the longest nap you've ever taken! so yeah, we're onto you and will most definitely be doing that again! 

- your little feet grew! all your newborn shoes don't fit now, just your jellies (thank goodness!) so now we need to go shoe shopping soon! :)

- you loveloveloveLOVE the baby channel. you and your brother both just sit and stare at it all day long.  now that dad found the channel at our house (usually you only get to watch at grandma's) you watch all day & night and LOVE it. you laugh and focus on it and at nighttime we put on the lullaby's and you really do fall asleep to it.  it's so sweet watching your little face light up at all the characters and even sweeter that you & your brother both cuddle up and watch it together before bed.

I'm sure there is lots more I'm missing - but everyday you are growing so much and learning so much! I love this age so much because you are really just growing so much and becoming your own little person.  We are having so much fun watching you evolve into your own little self kenzie girl, and your daddy, me & your brother love you so much. Even grizzly actually loves you a ton because she stays laying by you and licking your little toes because it makes you laugh so hard. I never imagined our life and house being more full of love after your brother, but ever since you've come into our lives - our lives and hearts have quadrupled in size! you're such a little princess and have the biggest heart of joy, the loudest laughter, the biggest and most infectious smiles and the most gorgeous blue eyes I've ever seen.  Not to mention you are one tough cookie with a whole heart of determination to get and do what you want. I just know you are going to grow into such a beautiful and strong woman one day and right now we are all doing our best to soak up all these precious "baby" moments with you because you are bound & determined to grow big & do even bigger things! 

We love you did-ter<3

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