Yesterday was the very last weekend of 2013!
I cannot even believe how fast this year flew by! Real talk, I can't even believe Christmas has already come & gone.
Not only was it Christmas this past week but my niece was also born this week - so we have been going nonstop all week long driving around town and just going going going. I really wanted a day to just RELAX at home with gunner & Kenzie and just spend it playing & cuddling with them. Those are my absolute favorite days and what better way to spend the last weekend of the year?
I'm pretty sure I annoyed all my friends that follow my social media pages with all the pictures I posted. Truth be told, that wasn't even one quarter of the pictures. lol soooooo that's what this blog is for! Al the pictures of our super fun day together! Our very last Sunday Funday of 2013!!!
Gunner woke up to a big gold New Years balloon clipped to his toybox. He LOVES balloons (what kid doesn't?) and had a blast carrying it around the house all morning. PS, how adorable are his footed pajamas?? He got them for Christmas and I love onesies for all ages because it just makes them look like babies again. And what mom doesn't love that?
After playing for a little gunner usually wants a bottle and to lay down (sorta his way of easing into his morning) lol. And I support that so he crawled up next to mckenzie and laid down to drink his bottle. (Adorable right? He does that on his own now everyday and night. He loves being by her)
After breakfast gunner got to finally play with ALL his new toys from Christmas because rick unpackaged them last night and I set them all out around the house so he could spend the day exploring all his new toys. One of my most favorite things to do is watch gunner with a new you (probably why I always am buying him a new toy or gadget). It's so fun watching his face light up when he's sees a new toy or the noises it makes or songs it sings. So, I knew he'd love having ALL his toys out and completely open to play with.
Like I said, he loves to be next to her!

While he played & Kenzie was in her swing, I got to clean the house finally and do some much overdo loads of laundry, dishes and bottle sanitizing. (I swear these jobs are never completely done even when you spend all day doing them!
After a couple hours of playing and house cleaning, we decided to make pancakes. We were having a lazy morning and still in our pajamas, which meant it was still acceptable timing for breakfast food (lol)
I LOVE that gunner can eat people food now. It's so much fun cooking & eating with him in the kitchen and he always really loves eating food by himself these days. And pancakes are so easy & not messy so he can just eat & drink on his own and be happy (while I finished cleaning the kitchen). He was pretty happy, crossed legs and all :)
After breakfast we all got dressed (it had to hallen eventually) and my mom came over so we could all go the park together! It was such a beautiful sunny day for December so we thought it'd be fun to take them to park and let gunner run around. Rick works Friday-Sunday so I don't usually get to take them both to the park because I can't watch a stroller and run around with gunner too. So this was so perfect!
Before we left for the park though, we had to play in the leaves a little :)
Then we were off to the park! We live in such a pretty neigborhood and are lucky enough to have TWO huge parks within a couple blocks of our house!
This was huge: first slide ride EVER with gunner! Daddy always gets to take him when we go to the park but I was pregnant majority of the year and since my mom came to join us today, she watched Kenzie so I could take gunner on all the toys. Loveeeeeeed it!
Still not too fond of swinging. We've tried all year long and he still just isn't impressed or is just terrified. That's one of gunners resolutions for 2014 ;)
Haha, he literally pushed this huge double stroller (with Kenzie inside!) a few different times as he was running around the park!
He loves being able to run around on his own, there's nothing better than running free when you're a toddler!
See what I mean? Total cheeseball <3
After the park both kids were EXHAUSTED! So we came home, washed up & got in clean clothes and both kids went down for naps instantly upon being laid down. LOVE when that happens!
Oh & rick came home on his lunch hour to visit us and Kenzie girl woke up from her nap and was pretty happy to see him, like always! She sure does love her daddy!
Once dad got home from work we had dinner and ricks family came to visit for a little while with us and the kids. Gunner ran around the house playing with grandpa, while Kenzie got held and admired by her great grandma. Then it was baths for both of them and a little more playing with dad until bedtime!
T'was a perfect Sunday in my book! But then again, ANY day when we have no plans and can just spend it together at home playing - those are my most favorite days. I still have a lot more cleaning to finish up but that's when the joy of bedtimes comes into play ;)
Oh and here are some adorable pictures I got this weekend (pre-Sunday Funday)
That's a chocolate chip MUFFIE!
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