We have found a winner!
For the last few weeks I have been trying to introduce Gunner to baby food (Level 1) and he absolutely has hated every single flavor. Which is crazy to me because he loves mashed up fruit in his little "Munchkin" mesh food eater. But then when it came time to try those same fruits in baby food form - it was a NO go! One bite and he had the biggest sour face and then wouldn't even let me put the spoon close to him again.
I was getting so disappointed! & Scared too because at his checkup, his doctor said that he is underweight (roughly 15 pounds still) but since he's so active it's probably because he is burning so many calories. But she still made it a point that he starts eating more and more baby food to gain more nutrients & a little weight. So naturally - when he didn't like any of the foods we were trying - I was incredibly scared!! Anything with him I am paranoid about and the words "underweight" and "needs nutrients" were all I kept thinking each time he spit out that food!
But after taking it to facebook with an "advice post" for all the mommies & daddies out there - I got some great tips to help integrate baby food into his diet! Most people said to try Level 2 foods because they are much thicker and not so watery and bitter.
So last night Rick, Gunner & myself went on a trip to Target to raid the baby food aisle. We must have bought every single Level 2 food there was - we were bound & determined that we would find something he liked (besides his normal oatmal you mix with formula - he'll eat that for every meal if he cuold!) We got fruits, veggies, dinner options & every single oatmeal & fruit combo there was (since he's such an oatmeal fan) - and we took them home to start experimenting!
Rick lined up all the foods and let Gunner pick out what he wanted to try first. He picked out Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal (yum!) and we sat him down, bibbed him up, and gave him a taste.
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Picking out his choice for the evening! |
He kept laughing and kicking his legs for more and everytime I took the spoon away he would reach for it! Oh my gosh, happiest mommy moment!!! SUCCESSS!! He kept eating and eating until there was NONE left! All my panic and anxiety went away and now I think we may be onto something!
Level 2 foods are way thicker & have a lot more things mixed together so it's not so sour or bitter. I'm so excited to have him start trying all of these flavors and foods we got! We both picked out what we thought sounded good so I'm excited to also see whose taste buds he favors more, mine or dads!
Now my only question is how much baby food vs. formula do I give him on a daily basis? He LOVES oatmeal and his rice cereal, but I need to start incorporating the baby food as well into his daily routine, along with his formula bottles too. I did some research this morning on it and came across this great breakdown, so I wanted to share it
It's a breakdown of what/when/how much foods babies should be eating during each stage of development! Whew! Gotta love google! Now all my anxiety is gone and we're on a new schedule of new foods! How exciting!
I'm really excited to see what foods he picks out tonight for dinner!
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