my oh my how fast time flies! seems like just yesterday I was sitting down to write about our very first month together. And now, just like that, another month has passed us by. But what a BEAUTIFUL month it has been!
December: WOW. You surely picked a very eventful time of year to be born Gunner bear. Your very first weeks of being born you got to experience your first Thanksgiving holiday, and this month was your very first Christmas. & it was amazing. Even though you were just one month old, we went the whole nine yards for your first Christmas. Between crafting for your grandparents gift, your first letter from Santa, wrapping & unwrapping ALL of your presents from Santa (oh yeah that happened), to going all around town to see all of your family and share such a special day with them - it was amazing. I know you probably won't remember this first Christmas, but it was the most amazing one for me and your dad, and we took plenty of pictures so you can look back on it one day and know that it was incredibly special. But then again, each day with you is incredibly special.

December was a BIG month for you little man. You grew a lot, and really have come into your own. You have your own personality now and every day it grows bigger and bigger. I know I probably will say this more than a thousand times, but this is my most favorite age yet. Here are some of your biggest highlights this month:
-You now weigh 11 lbs, 13 ounces. That means you have gained EXACTLY five pounds since you were born. Which sounds like a lot, but in your first month is when you gained most of it. Since your 1st month checkup, you actually only gained less than a pound.
-You are now 22 inches long!
-Your eyes are getting lighter and lighter each day. Your dad and I are still arguing if they are more blue or more green - they sorta change between the two. Either way though, with those beautiful eyelashes (I like to think that's the Persian in you) - your definitely going to have some beautiful eyes no matter what color they turn out to be.
-You've finally started to fill out. Mostly in your chubby thighs, and your ADORABLE belly (yes, you have a little tummy now and it's so cute!) and even your cheeks got bigger! Lol, sorry about those chipmunk cheeks baby, you definitely got those from your mama. But don't worry, people will only pinch them for a few more years.. at least until you can politely ask them not to ;)
-You TALK!! You found your voice and my oh my it is the SWEETEST thing yet! You just talk all day long and are constantly "cooing" now. More and more each day and it's so sweet.
-You found your smile!! This is the biggest and best accomplishment yet. From day 1 you had a little grin, and it's grown more and more - but this month you definitely discovered your smile. You smile ALL THE TIME. & there is nothing that makes us happy than when you flash a big gummy smile and just grin ear to ear. I love it. Everyone absolutely adores that smile of yours, even your doctor was laughing at all the smiles you gave her. She said she hasn't seen such a social baby in a long long time<3
-You can hold your head up completely on your own now. Whether your laying on someones chest or on your belly for tummy time, you can hold your head up and look around whenever you want and for a really long time too!
-You're really wanting to crawl. You've started pushing your legs off of things to try and scoot, but you can't quite make the move yet - but you're trying really hard. Maybe by next month you'll get a little movement in that department.
-You still love bathtime more than ANYTHING. Now you get them almost every other day, but sometimes once a day just because you enjoy them so much and just laugh the whole time and splash around.
-Last month you hated being naked... and this month you LOVE it! You get really hot (you seem to be hot-blooded like mom) and start crying during the day/night if you get too hot and sometimes I'll let you sleep in just a diaper and blankets because that's when you are most comfortable and sleep the longest. And now after bathtime when you get your lotion and massage you just smile the whole time, until it's time to dress you then it's a battle (lol).
-You HATE being covered with blankets. Every single time we cover you up - no matter how long it takes you, you kick those covers right off! I think you think it's a game because everytime you kick them off we run in to cover you back off and you laugh and kick them off again! I finally just got really tall socks for you so that if you uncover yourself, at least your feet will stay warm.
-You finally grew out of those adorable little newborn diapers. That was your daddy's saddest day yet. He saved a couple of them because they are just too cute. It's crazy to think those were BIG on you at one point! But now your in level 1 diapers. They are pretty big on you, but at least you're comfortable in them and can more around a lot more.
-You also are almost out of all your newborn clothes. This was mommy's saddest day. You went from premies for two weeks into newborns for two months and now you're heading towards all those 0-3 month clothes. It breaks my heart to know I have to pack up all those precious little outfits, but I know you have a closet full of clothes that are just calling your name. It's like a whole new wardrobe, so that's the exciting part of it. But still, lets not jump right into those 3 month sizes quite yet, I don't think my heart could take it.
-You're almost over your pacifier now completely. You were never totally fond of it, but this month you maybe actually sucked on it for a total of 3 times.
-You recognize voices & faces now. Whenever your daddy or I come into the room you turn all your attention to where we are at and just smile and stare, it's so precious. Now you can make eye contact and have full on conversations (in your own language of course) and show your emotions and laugh with people. It's really really amazing to watch.
-You can sleep up 3 hours at a time now (thank you for that one). Not every night, but a lot of nights now you sleep 3-4 hours at a time before waking up for a bottle or diaper change. I can't thank you enough for that one.
-We're still working on getting your nights and days switched around, but you're getting there. I've started taking you out a little more so that's helping you to learn what day time and night time are (at least I think so).
-You are eating about the same amount. Last month you could eat 2-3 ounces every 2 hours.. this month you can eat almost a solid 3 ounces at a time, and about every 2 hours.
Those are the biggest and best milestones that happened this month. It's been a pretty busy month with all the holiday events and excitement. You've grown a LOT this month. Maybe not in your physical features, but definitely in your personality. I can't wait to see what month 3 will bring, and how much change we will see you in. Your dad and I talk all the time about how wish you could just stay this age forever because you're just so much fun right now. The talking and smiling and just how incredibly happy you always are - you're so amazing. But then we think to the future when you will start crawling and talking and all the amazing things to come, and we know that as bittersweet as it is to see your growing out of things, you're also growing into things, and that's pretty special too. I know that time is flying by and I'm hoping that now that the holidays over it won't fly by as fast, but I'm definitely excited for what's to come in this 3rd month with you<3