Wednesday, December 5, 2012

today I have a one month old!

My precious little baby is already growing into a little boy. The last month flew by so fast, I cannot even believe you are already a MONTH old. From the moment we brought you home from the hospital, our lives have been completely changed. My days are consumed with bottles, diaper changes, spit ups and bath times; but i have absolutely loved every second of it. I love being your mommy.

Since you're not on a sleep schedule, all the days just morphed into one and I lost track of time.. And before i knew it, one week had turned into four. Each day you grow a little more into your own person and it's such a special thing to witness. Motherhood is the most beautiful job and YOU are the most precious thing to me. My heart breaks every time I imagine going back to work because I have loved our days and nights together more than anything. I'm not even going to think about work because I'll break down and cry right now. Instead, let's focus on YOU, and your special day :)
- you now weigh a whopping 8 pounds, 10 ounces! Which amazed the doctor at your last checkup because you have, not only, gotten out of being "underweight" (like you were when we brought you home), but you have grown so much in such a short time.

- part of your fast growing may be a result of being formula fed. Since the beginning it was a mutual decision not to breastfeed, between you and me. I couldn't produce enough milk, and you didn't want it anyways. So formula it is. We started you on Similac, but them you got a bad reaction to it so we switched you to enfamil. That's your bread and butter, you cant get enough. You're such a growing boy Gunner. It amazes me how fast your growing.

- even though you've gained weight, you still can only wear newborn sized clothes. Maybe you have thick bones or are petite, I'm not sure- but it boggles my mind how tiny you are still when I put anything bigger on you and you're swimming and falling out of them. At least you're getting your use out of all those newborn clothes!

- you are now 20.5 inches! Exactly one inch longer than when you were borne'

- your eyes are still the blue/grey color for the most part (though your dad insists they are green like his). You can now focus on things and make eye contact. And I love that so much, can't get enough of those big beautiful eyes.

- you know who I am. This is the best. Nothing melts my heart more than when someone is holding you and when you hear me talking you look to find me. And, even better, when you're crying and as soon as I pick you up you stop.

- you're favorite thing to do us to lay on your stomach on me or daddy's chests. That's the fastest way to get you to calm down or fall asleep.

- with that, you love tummy time on your playmat. Or just being on your playmat at all is your favorite. You kick and kick forever and now can hit and kick all the hanging toys.

- you love watching the fireplace when we have a fire going, and you love watching dad play his video games. Not tv or cartoons, just his games. Maybe it's secretly that you like it because it's with dad, either way, he loves playing with you.

- your LOVE LOVE LOVE bath time. As soon as you get in and feel the warm water, you're as happy as can be as kick the water and make all sorts of noises. And when we take you out you instantly cry. That's when I see you the happiest.

- you hate being naked, unless you're in the bath. Anytime we take your clothes off you scream bloody murder until you're covered again. Which makes doctor visits a little unpleasant, but I've learned to take you in your footed pajamas to make the transition smoother at the doctors.

- you sleep about 50-90 minutes at a time during the night. Haha, not the ideal situation, but I know you're little and I just let you eat and sleep as you please for now. You're not old enough to put on a schedule just yet, and I'm not working so I don't mind. I love it actually because that's when we bond the most, when I rock you to sleep and then cuddle you up in bed with dad and me.

- you can lift your head up! Which isn't a huge deal because since the moment you were born and placed on my chest you were lifting your head up to look at me, and all around.

- overall Gunner, you're a really great baby. You only cry when you're hungry or have a dirty diaper, and you are so sweet and loving all the time. I knew motherhood would be tough at times, but besides the lack of sleep, I don't have a single complaint. You're amazing. I could not have imagined a more perfect baby, and everyone that meets you agrees. We are so very blessed to have you.

So one month down, a lifetime to go. I'm so excited to see how much you grow in the next 30 days and to spend our first holidays together as a family... But please, feel free to slow down a bit, mommy can't take you growing any faster.



  1. Aww Shucks Roya I love love that you are blogging more! You will be sooo glad you did. It's fun to read this since Kate will be 1 month in 2 weeks (wahhh!) Love reading all about little Gunner's updates & growth, isn't every day so amazing?? You are such a good mama and Gunner is SO lucky! :)

    1. Thanks Lisa!! I'm really so in love with your blog, I really want to blog more and more so I can have all these memories saved forever and can look back on when Gunner is older. Everyday is so special with them, and they grow SO fast (as you well know!)
