Thursday, August 28, 2014

9 Months of McKenzie!

So yes, the blog is about 27 dates late again.
BUT in true “Roya Blogging Fashion” I am actually on time with my dating of this post. 
I’ll get better someday, scouts honor.

My Sweet Little Kenzie.  How you are growing into quite the little girl.
I swear I blinked and you were sleeping on my chest all bundled up in my hands, and now – now you are crawling, standing, talking & I can’t get you to just “lay” on my chest unless I empty a bag of Puffs on my chest to eat.
It’s so sad and heartbreaking that the newborn baby in you grew up so quickly, but I can’t lie either in saying that I am loving this new age you are at.
You are so independent, smart and determined – You make my job so easy because you literally do NOT want anyone’s help, ever.
So yes, that is another bittersweet reality of your nine month self, you don’t need mama as much as you used to.
But you are still the incredibly sweet, loving and big-hearted baby you were nine months ago – and for that I am so grateful.

-          This month you’re biggest thing is TALKING! You try your hardest to mimic the sounds and noises you hear us making, and you like to try and copy our mouth movements too.  When you’re crying you’ll sometimes get a full “mama!” out or “maaaa-maaaa” out and it makes me so happy inside!
-          You also are making sounds to copy your brother.  He’ll say words or yell noises or, just yell out loud in general – and you will be right there following his lead yelling out your own noises and trying to sound just like him.  Super cute but not always nice to have you tag team your dad and me! (LOL)
-          You pretty much do everything you can to be like/with your brother.  If he is playing with a toy, you crawl as fast as you can over to where he’s at and try playing right along side him.  If he is doing something like banging on his drums, you’ll follow his lead and start banging on the drums or on your toy to make the same noises he is.  You are his biggest fan and it is the sweetest thing ever watching you look up to him so much already.
-          You completely turn down help with feeding yourself bottles now!  Anytime you see a bottle or sippy cup – you help yourself to it and push our hands away if we try to hold it for you or help you.  You’re very independent already which is so great, but I do love when you are sleepy and let me hold your bottle for you and rock you to sleep – helps me remember that you are still my baby (as much as you try to act like a toddler already)
-          You are the FASTEST crawler ever!  It’s so funny because you do the same army-crawl w/ your arms that Gunner did – (I swear you guys were meant to be twins because you do so many things exactly the same) – but yes you are FAST!  I can’t put you down even for a minute w/o you crawling completely out of sight or down the hallway or kitchen.  Seriously, it’s insane to watch you zip through the house.
-          When you aren’t flying through the house on the floor – you are STANDING tall and proud!  You love standing up and anything everything that you can get your hands on, you instantly pull yourself up and stand like a big girl on your own!
-          You love bouncing and dancing now!  Anytime music comes on the TV or radio – if you are standing you start bouncing and screaming or you just start shaking your legs and swaying (also while screaming in excitement) – it cracks us up every time!
-          As much as you love your brother and want to be his sidekick – you are also very much your own person.  You will follow him around all day, but as soon as you see something you want to do – you have no problem leaving and going on your own down the hall or across the play room to get the toy you want, and play on your own.  You are super independent and it’s a great thing because you are learning to rely on yourself already and that’s amazing for someone so little as you.
-          You are ALWAYS on a mission of some sort. Always.  I wish I could be in your brain sometimes because I always sit on the floor and watch you and just wonder what is going on in that brain of yours because you act with so much purpose.  Then all of a sudden you’ll get something or do something and just start yelling and laughing in excitement, that’s when I know your mission was accomplished.
-          You are freakishly strong.  Everyone comments on it and it’s no joke.  Even your doctor has mentioned it.  You can out strength us and your brother already and it’s the craziest thing!
-          You are very flexible and bendy.  Definitely see gymnastics in your future because you are insanely flexible.  Definitely didn’t get that from your mama but you are surely double-jointed.  I have to do double-takes when I look over and see you bent like a pretzel trying to get something or playing with your toys. 
-          You are still (I am so happy to report) the HAPPIEST little baby I’ve ever seen.  You are constantly smiling, laughing, giggling or squealing in excitement.  Everyone loves you so much and your smiles just light up a room instantly.  Everything makes you laugh and no matter how stressed I am or overwhelmed I may get sometimes, I just look at you and your big smiles and everything instantly is forgotten.  It’s a very p powerful gift you have sweet girl, and mama is so grateful to see that you are so happy all the time.
-          You are still a yeller.  LOL, you a very very vocal little lady.  You love to scream and yell and squeal as loud as you can.  Whether you are happy, mad, excited or just want us to look at you – screaming is your thing.  Sometimes I get worried people are looking at us like we’re crazy people in stores when you scream and yell – but then they look over at you and see your big smiles and legs kicking in excitement – and they just smile back at you. It’s super super cute.
-          You’ve got LOTS more blonde hair that has come in this past month.  You’re a total blonde and so far your hair is straight like your dad’s. You got to wear your first hair clip the other day w/ your “bangs” and that was a fun new hairstyle!  There’s nothing sweeter than seeing all your hair come in though, I’ve been waiting for it to make it’s appearance and it’s coming in full-force now and so sweet!
-          You have FIVE teeth now (two on bottom and three on top) – SO CUTE!!
-          Since you have teeth now you are eating  a lot more table foods and that’s a lot of fun also getting to introduce to you a whole new world of foods and flavors.  You are definitely taking after me in the sense that, so far, there is NOTHING you turn down when it comes to food!  You love all veggies and fruits, all the snacks we give you and oatmeal and applesauce the best.  Jar foods you are getting to be a bit picker on, but who could blame you now that you’ve got the real foods at your fingertips!
-          You have definitely become more fond of the sippy cups now!  You love your juice and water and snack times with your brother and it’s SO NICE getting to make ONE snack/ juice round for you both.  Same w/ dinners and meals – it’s almost at the point where we can get away with making one thing for the whole family, and just cut them up to you and your brothers size portions.
-          You are trying to walk, but not quite there yet (which is FINE with me!)  You are so fast at crawling and pulling yourself up to stand – I know the day you realize you can walk you will be GONE!  Then I really will never ever see the sight of a couch or “sitting” again because you will be so fast once you pick it up.
-          You CAN, however, walk across the whole house while holding our hands.  We just hold your hands and you do the rest and you can walk from one side all the way to the other side of the house just w/ a slight holding of our fingers. Pretty impressive stuff for not even being 10 months!
Those are the biggest things, I know there are a lot of things in this blog but what can I say – you are growing at RAPID speed right now and there’s always something new you are learning to do or say.  I’m sure even with these updates, there are dozens I am missing out on because you are just doing so much right now.

Another thing that happened this month is your Eye Appointment.  Your Pediatrician wanted us to take you to see a specialist this month to look into your eyes and abilities to focus.  Ever since you were born you have had a very sassy way of looking at the world out of the corner of your eyes or side of your face.  You’ve always done it so I’ve never thought anything of it.  Well, your doctor wanted to make sure it wasn’t anything that was bothering you or causing you to not see 100% clearly, so we took you to a vision specialist to get your eyes examined.
The Dr. Dilated your eyes and gave you a full exam and you did SO GREAT!  You didn’t cry when they put the drops in, and you actually had a really fun time doing all their activities and games to test your vision!  I was so so proud of you and I was certainly way more frightened and anxious than you were while at the specialist appointment.
The specialist said that you are 100% on track in  your motor skills and vision capability.  She diagnosed you with something called Occular Motor Apraxia, which is a delay in your horizontal saccades (which causes you to look out of the corners of your eyes sometimes because that’s how you focus better).  She said that right now you are absolutely PERFECT (her words I swear!) and that she doesn’t see any reason to do anything further right now.  We go back in one year for another exam and will see at that time what/if we need to do anything.
So yes, it was a BIG MONTH for you McKenzie and just like everything else – you take it all in stride.  You really are such a ray of sunshine in our lives, you just brighten up our worlds.  I am so proud of you and all the things you are learning and teaching yourself to do right now.  You are at the biggest point in your life so far in regards to your development, and you are hitting every single milestone and advancing in so many fields.  You are as smart as you are beautiful and THAT my love, is a huge deal because you are the PRETTIEST little thing I ever set eyes on.
Love always, Mom.

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