Monday, May 19, 2014

HALF a year of McKenzie! [late post]

[ I'm so late again on posting! ]
luckily we took your photos at the beginning of the month so those are still on time, but here is the blog to go along with this HUGE milestone age you've hit this month! 

But yes, this beautiful month of may - BOTH my babies hit their 1/2 year marks!
I cannot even believe my sweet little newborn baby is now 
S I X M O N T H S O L D 
six month old, folks. THAT is straight mind blogging.
But I can't even lie, I am loving every second of this stage with her! 

We have so much to catch up on! 

- You have GROWN a ton! 
- You had your six month checkup today with Dr Takamoto and here are your most recent stats:
+ weight: 15.12 lbs {36%}
+ height: 26 inches {41%}
+ head: 42 cm {35%}
You also got four shots today and took it like a total CHAMP! 

- You now wear size three diapers (yes, you are your brother wear the same same diapers now)
but it's actually AMAZING stocking up on two sizes to just stocking up on the same one size you both wear!

- You are out of anything clothes with a "0" or "3" now and are strictly in size "6 month only"

- You ROLL over.  You hate your back so you never stay on it. 

- You C R A W L now!! I thought this month was going to be about your first little "scoot" but literally the day after you learned how to scoot, you were crawling.  Full blown pulling yourself all over the house!  It BLOWS our mind still.  I forgot what it was like to have a crawling baby - NOTHING is safe now on surface level or beneath!  But it's so much fun watching you slither around the floor and go get all the things you've been eyeing for so many months. 

- You play with your toys now!  Lovelovelove that!  I swear that's the best thing because now you play by yourself and since you're a little crawler now, you just crawl around getting the toys you want and playing for hours with them.

- You are really independent.  You can play with your toys for hours on your own.  But with that, you also aren't one to be alone.  You get scared if you crawl too far away from us and start crying until we bring you back near us to play, then you're happy as a clam for hour again. 

- You are eating rice cereal now!  Well, more like drinking it because we put a little in your evening bottle before bed (Dr T said to try that since you weren't fond of it on it's own)  And you love it this way! 

- You also started eating baby food this month!  Very exciting stuff right there! 
So far you've had apples, bananas and sweet potatoes and you love it all.  You don't quite understand the whole "spoon" concept so it's more like slurping and sucking the food like it's a bottle and then crying everytime the bottle "aka the spoon" runs out until I get more food on it, then you start sucking again like crazy. 
So yeah, it's a pretty funny little scene every night feeding you.  But hey, babysteps right?!

- You do everything you possibly can to always be near your brother.  It's the sweetest thing.  No matter where he is in the house, your eyes are always glued to him and you just smile.  You watch him play with grizzly or run around and you laugh and laugh at him.  And now you get to follow him around the house and you absolutely love that. 

- You love staring contests and making eye contact.  I joke with your dad a lot because you really do get sad if you don't get that "one on one" attention from him.  Sometimes you'll be fussy and all it takes is for one of us to lay on the floor and just be eye level with you and play, and then you just stare at us and laugh and laugh. 

- Yes, you are the HAPPIEST little girl in the world.  Everyone comments how you are always smiling from ear to ear and you always got the biggest grin on your face.  It's the sweetest thing. 

- You're still a total mama's girl and I couldn't be happier.  Though, it really is a tough statement to make because you absolutely adore your dad and brother too.  I think it's broken down right now like this: 
Daddy makes you laugh, You always want to play with your brother because he's your very best friend in the whole world and you seriously just adore everything he does, and I think I'm the one you look for in the room because you know I'll always give you that one-on-one attention and the snuggles you always want.

- You are a total love.  You love just being held and you hold onto our arms or squeeze our necks and you just love to be loved on.  And I totally get that, and am thankful for it.  That's the biggest difference with boys and girls I think - your brother always wants to play, and you do too, but you're always down for cuddling with mama for hours on end if we could. 

- You found your voice this month!  You found it awhile back with cooing, but now you're full on yelling at your toys, cooing, laughing, giggling, and making all kinds of little noises.  It's so sweet hearing your little personality starting to come out.  And yes, you sound EXACTLY like your brother when he was your age (and still now too)  everyone laughs because you literally cannot tell who is yelling or talking sometimes! 

- You can hold yourself up to sit and you can sit leaning against things now.  I honestly think you could sit if you wanted, but you just don't seem to be a fan.  Anytime we sit you up you just lean over and play with your toes and you can sit like that for awhile, but you just don't have any desire to sit straight up. 
We're working on this though - you have two weeks until your photos with Lisa and mama would loveeeee some sitting up poses! (lol, no pressure!)

- You got a big girl bed now!!  Yes.  A full on pink toddler bed.  It's pushed up next to our bed and between the wall that way you can sleep and roll around comfortably, and have no chance of falling off.  You absolutely LOVE the freedom to move around and spread out, and we love having a little extra room in our very small full size bed.  

- Some people ask why you're in a toddler bed and not your crib, and this brings me to my next point.  You still are not a fan of sleeping.  You're getting better, but still not a fan.  You're more of a "20 min power nap and 3 hour sleeping block" than an overnighter.  So until you're sleeping through the night longer or with at least less overnight feedings, it's just easier to keep you with us in our room right now.  And not going to lie,  we (yes, dad too) are just not ready to have you gone.  We miss gunner still not being in our room and it's nice having you there to watch sleep peacefully and be right by you when you need us. 

- You are incredibly strong.  Like, hulk strong. 
You will not do things if you don't want to, and your strength seriously overpowers mine sometimes.
For instance, like I mentioned before, you hate being on your back. SO, diaper changes are seriously the hardest battles everyday because you thinks its HILARIOUS to spin onto your back the whole time we are trying to change you and we canNOT keep you down because you're so freakishly strong!  I get frustrated sometimes when we're in a hurry and I've even put on your clothes and diaper w/ you on your belly because I just can't win the battle of strength!  But I always end up laughing because it's just so funny how you really do outstrength me and laugh at me the whole time.  Funny, and mean. Haha!

- You are growing some more hair!!  You're one little pony is a lot longer this month, and your getting some more peach fuzz all over now.  It's so sweet. 

- Your eyes are still light so they just may stay light blue afterall (fingers crossed) you get strangers all the time coming up to you and complimenting how big and blue your eyes are.  I think it's obvious that's allll from me. 
HAHA!  I wish. 

- You are so chill lately.  Now that you can crawl and play with your toys, you really are just so much  happier all the time because you can finally do what you want and don't feel so trapped in your little body.  I love watching you come into your own and just develop your own personality and voice and social skills. There's no bigger moments than watching you and your brother discover yourselves, and I really am just relishing in all these precious moments while I can watch you both blossom into your own little selves. 

Well those are the biggest changes in you this month.  Six month has never seemed so short, but you've grown leaps and bounds just in the last couple months.  You are not a newborn anymore and it's never been more obvious.  I'd lie if I say it's not a little sad watching you leave the tiny baby clothes and precious little diapers.  But I also can't lie in saying that I'm loving the new stages your getting to and how interactive you are everyday.  It's just so much fun and now that you and your brother can actually play together and communicate, my heart darn near explodes with happiness on a daily basis watching you two.  I see you two being the best of friends already and there's nothing I could have possibly hoped for more than just that.

Here's to you sweet girl, six months old going on ONE now! 
Here's to the next six months of milestones, discoveries & adventures with you. 

Love always, Mom. 

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