Saturday, January 4, 2014

Two month old McKenzie!

My sweet little McKenzie you are now two months old! 

& you have grown so much this past month little one! 

I can't even believe you're the same tiny, sleepy little newborn we brought home from the hospital just 59 days ago.

you made it through your first season of holidays! Christmas & New Years have come and gone now and were prepping for valentines day (my most favorite day of the whole year) in the last month a lot has happened and these are the biggest changes you've made: 

- sleeping: you don't sleep as much as you did a month ago, but it's okay because we love having you awake and really present with us. You sleep 2-3 hours at a time and you're still more awake during the night and more sleepy during the day, but we're slowly working on switching that :) 

- eating: you drink 3-4 ounces of formula about every 2-3 hours. It's been that way for awhile now actually. The longer you sleep the more spread out your feedings are but sleeping & eating are pretty consistent. 

- with the holidays we haven't gotten you in for your two month checkup, but it's very obvious you have grown a lot since last month! 

- you are all legs m'dear. And I mean, alllll legs. Model status. 

- you are so awake now! as much as I love the sleepy newborn stage, I was waiting for the day you'd show us your pretty eyes and be awake more and now you are always awake and so alert! 

- now that your eyes are open we are able to see your beautiful eyes! Big. Beautiful. Sparkly BLUE eyes! I am so I'm love with your eyes, I just stare at you all the time. I probably take a dozen close ups of your face and eyes all day because you're just so beautiful. 

- your eye lashes grew longer & darker too! & As your mom I can admit that I am pretty jealous of all these features! 

- your hair is lightening a little and isn't so black/dark brown anymore. I'm curious to see if it stays brown or turns totally blonde like your brothers.

- you're ticklish now! It is the cutest thing ever to see your big smile full of gums and you literally LAUGH now when we really tickle you. Your most ticklish under your chin and under your nose. Totally adorable. 

- you're a total morning person like I am. You are in the best moods right in the morning (when you're most awake also) you just lay in bed smiling and coo-ing and looking around bright eyes & bushy tailed. That's when I stare at you the most because it's so sweet watching your face light up & smiling. 

- you're iffy on car rides still. You're fine for the most part, except when the car stops then you sorta lose it. But once we get going again your calm down. (Freeways are our friend) 

- you're much friendlier now (lol). In the beginning you'd just cry or look real pissed off a lot. Last month you developed your "mean mug" and became a pro at flashing it when you were mad. This month you developed other faces and it's so nice to see the HAPPY faces! Lol! You have a lot more faces now and I love seeing every one of them! And I secretly love your mean mug because it's so funny & adorable how sassy you are already! 

- you're becoming a total daddy's girl. This makes him really happy because he didn't think you liked him very much up till recently because all you ever wanted was me to hold or talk to you. Now though, he's the one that can ALWAYS get you smiling or laughing & I see your face smile just when you hear him talking in the room it's so sweet and I know he loves every second of it. 

- clothes: your sizes are changing now! You're so long that you really can't wear anything with feet. No footed pajamas or pants anymore because your toes are too crammed for space. You're still in Newborn sizes but they are getting a little snug. But you're swimming in 3 Month size, so we sorta go back & forth. Dresses are always a winner though :) 

- your head grew! I don't have the measurements yet, but a lot of your headbands are snug and we had to retire a lot of them already because they're too tight. But don't worry, Santa did a little headband shopping on Etsy and were waiting three shipments of new ones that will fit you ;) 

- you coo a lot now and I LOVE it. Your sounds are so adorable I record them all the time on my phone because they are so sweet and girly. 

- you found your fingers this month! You love to play with them and put them in your mouth and you get all excited everytime. 

- you're getting a lot stronger! When you are doing tummy time you can hold your head up for almost 10 seconds. You try and try to hold it as long as you can because you love looking around. Even when you're laying on my chest you're trying to hold your head up and look around. 

- you're really wanting to move around on your own now! You're already scooting yourself around and you get frustrated trying so hard all the time. 

Well little lady, those are the big changes this month. You're already so much of a little person now and becoming your own person. You're developing a personality of your own now and it is so much fun watching you come into your own. I'm learning so much about you these days and it makes me so excited to see what the next month brings. You're not just a newborn anymore, you're McKenzie. 

Your dad, brother and I are loving every second with you and we absolutely love having you as apart of our family. We waited a long time to meet you and everyday we love you more. Especially your brother, he is by far you're biggest fan! 

We love you Kenzie girl <3

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