Friday, December 20, 2013

One month old McKenzie

Our very first month together :)
Even though this blog is a bit late (you're 7 weeks tomorrow) I couldn't just skip past it. After all, it is your very first blog! 
Luckily I took the pictures weeks ago, I forgot how easy it is getting these photos when you're a newborn! The last few months with your brother it took hours chasing him around and him ripping off his sticker! Lol you just laid there and looked pretty and it took less than 5 minutes. Newborns :)

Our first month together
- well, I can't lie when I say it was a bit overwhelming at first. It's only been a year since we brought your brother home but having him and you both here, was an adjustment for all of us. It took a little bit for us to get a new routine down and it wasn't long before everything calmed down :) 

- you are a lot like your brother, but also very very different. You are very easy to read and easy to care for like he was. You only cry when you need something (currently only if it's a bottle or diaper change) but you never cry just to cry, and I'm very thankful for that. However, you're a lot more dramatic and temperamental. That's probably a girl thing your daddy says (lol). Things as little as your headband falling on your eye will set you off, but the second we move it - you're fine. I think it's pretty funny though, you already got spunk. 

- you're growing right on track. Doctor T says you're absolutely perfect and I couldn't agree more (she was so happy to finally meet you) - as we all are :)

- you eat a lot more than Gunner did, that's a big difference - you drink a bottle every 2-3 hours like clockwork. Even during the night. But you only cry to tell us you're hungry, then you're as happy as a clam once that bottle is in your mouth. 

-with your feelings so regular, your sleep schedule is about the same. 2-3 hours at a time and sometimes you sleep longer periods during the day (yes, you are very nocturnal right now). But there's pros & cons to that. Pro: I don't feel like we are too overwhelmed with two little ones because when he's awake, you're asleep, and vise versa. With being on opposite schedules, one of you is always asleep or content, making it much easier to care for you both at the same time. However, sleeping for daddy & me is pretty nonexistent right now because when we put Gunner to bed, you are waking up for get night... Anddddd vice versa. Sigh, at least I always have one of your pretty faces to keep me company :) day in & day out (lol) 

- you never fit your premie clothes (probably because you insisted on waiting for your due date to come out) - so you have only worn newborns & aren't even close to moving up in sizes. You're very long though so some of your footed jammies are a little snug on your toes.

- speaking of your toes, you have total monkey toes. You got your mamas long & skinny toes, while your brother got your dad's fat and chubby toes. It was slim Pickens between our pretty feet, but I'd say you lucked out! 

- you had really bad baby acne along with baby eczema up until about a week ago. It got really bad so we switched you to everything unscented & extra sensitive. I bath you in baby aquaphor & you get the cream put on daily and you have completely cleared up! Everyone compliments you on your beautiful face. 

- along with sensitive skin, you also are sensitive to heat. You break out or get a small heat rash if you get too warm, so we keep you in light clothes now & if we go out, it's light layering with a blanket instead to prevent you from getting all hot & bothered (literally)

- you have "chilled out" a lot since your first few days. Now you seem to be a lot more relaxes and not so scared of everything and everyone. You don't even mind your brother touching you anymore - even though I know he gets a little too exited and "hands on" sometimes... You just lay there and look at him without crying. Watching you two literally melts my heart. I can't wait for you to get a little older when you can play together.

- you are such a beauty. Really, I couldn't have painted a more perfect little face than hours. You've got big BLUE eyes (hoping they'll stay that color), the perfect eyebrows all girls dream of, a beautiful olive color skin tone, dark hair & the cutest pink lips & rosy cheeks. Perfection<3

- just recently you have become a lot more alert and are starting to make eye contact a lot more with us when we talk to you. I love when you look at me with those big eyes and just stare at me, it's the sweetest thing sharing those moments with you. 

-you still have that dreamy newborn smell (thank goodness)!

- you discovered your smile and starting to show it a lot more and that makes me happier than anything! You giggle every now and then it is just the cutest thing I've ever heard. Oh, and you're a bit tickelish already and I'm totally guilty of using that to steal smiles from you whenever I can get them. Nothing cuter than your big smile full of gums :) 

Those are the biggest things so far that have happened in your first month. 
Since we brought you home, our house seems so incredibly full of love. We waited a long time for you McKenzie and you were worth every minute of the wait. Your daddy and I are absolutely loving these precious moments with you and watching you grow everyday. And your brother, we'll be just adores you. Even though he gets jealous at times and acts a little crazy around you - every day he gets closer to you and wants nothing more than to lay by you and just hold your hand. I thought our life was perfect before, but you completed our family and have brought so much joy to all our lives already. I am so excited to see you grow the next few months - I just can't wait to see your personality come out and learn everything about you. It's going to be so fun <3

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