McKenzie is has been FIVE months old!
Haha. yes, I totally failed this last month.
I took the photos, wrote up the blog notes in my phone, but totally skipped out putting everything together & writing up the blog itself.
I'm so sorry my little lovebug, mama has been B U S Y lately with her new job that so many things have fallen behind, including my beloved blogging on you & your brother.
But YES the time has come to talk about our adorable little FIVE month old!
You only have a handful of days (5 to be exact) left before you turn the big SIX months old, so let's get to it!
Here are your adorable photos we took at the beginning of this month!
- you began teething this month! you've been teething for awhile now but now we can see that little white tooth surfacing in your gums and even feel it from the top of your gums starting to poke through. hopefully soon it'll break through and give you some relief becuase I know it's been really bugging you (fingers crossed).
- you are completely out of all things newborn or with any "0" in them. we pulled out all your 3 month clothes and even those won't be lasting too much longer - you are growing so fast I'm sure we'll be pulling out the 3-6 size soon!
- you are eating a lot more & more often now. you were drinking 4 ounces and now you can drink up to 5 or 6 ounces at a time, and more often too!
- you definitely have been going through a growth spurt. you eat a lot more and sleep a lot less and definitely have been having some growing pains because you've been a bit, um, cranky. I get it, growing is hard and so is teething - but yeah... we'll just blame it on the teething and this growth spurt.
- you have developed the chubbiest little thigh & thigh rolls and I am O B S E S S E D. your brother didn't get very chubby or "rolls" really anywhere and I was so bummed, and you are such a little chunka-monk I LOVE IT. I take a billion pictures of your little thigh rolls because they are the cutest! I am going to be real sad when you lose them. (don't worry, you will lose them - that's why it's okay I talk about their chubbiness)
- you're getting a lot stronger! we've been working on your sitting up and you can sit on your own if your propped up against something so that's a big step! It's not that you can't sit by yourself yet, it's that you don't want to. you hate sitting. you LOVE standing up but everytime we try to pull you downward to sit, you lock your legs and refuse to sit. so that makes it a bit challenging but I know once you realize how fun it is sitting up, you'll do it.
- yes, you are freakishly strong and you are also strong-willed. as in, if you don't want to do something - you will not do it. and you use that superhero strength to fight us on everything we try to make you do that you don't want to (i.e sitting, changing your diaper, rolling you on your back, getting you dressed) lol - it's all pretty funny though because we literally cannot make you do anything you don't want to.
- you still are not a huge fan of sleeping. we are realllllllly hoping to change that soon. right now you sleep for 2-3 hours at a time.
- we did try rice cereal (mostly to hopefully keep you full longer so you'd sleep longer) but you hated it. you spit it out and wanted nothing to do with it. so next month since you'll be turning 6 months, we're going to try introducing baby food to you & hopefully have better luck with that.
- you LOVE standing up. if we hold your hands or your side you can stand up all by yourself and you think it's the funniest thing ever standing upright! your dad keeps joking that you'll be walking before sitting because that's what you like doing.
- speaking of your sleep, you are the loudest little sleeper ever! not only do you wake up like clockwork every couple hours, you also fight sleeping. whenever you are tired or exhausted you just start yelling and yelling. not crying, yelling. then you just yell until you start falling asleep finally and then your tone gets quieter and quieter until finally you're just sorta moaning until you eventually just pass out. it's pretty funny to watch and your dad and I usually crack up laughing because we have to try and quiet you down so you don't wake up your brother, but waking you up just starts off the loud yells all over again.
So these are the biggest updates with you this month. you are growing so fast everyday you seriously grow leaps & bounds. between the teething, growing into your next level clothes, eating a lot more & now close to sitting and holding yourself up - you are going to a toddler way before my heart is ready for it!
I can't even believe next month (which is just a few days away) you will be SIX MONTHS OLD. Half of a whole year! Ah! As bittersweet as it is watching you grow this fast, it's also so much fun and each month you are growing into your own little personality more and you are quite the character! I am really excited for the next six months with you and before you know it I'll be sitting here writing your twelve month blog. I know all too well how fast it flies by after your brother, so I am determined to soak it alllll up with you!