My sweet, sweet girl is now
Each month is flying by even faster than the last!
But I can't even complain because every month that passes - you seriously grow leaps & bounds and there is NOTHING more fun than watching you learn all these new things!
you just went to the doctors this week for your four-month-wellness-checkup and did so great!
Everyone was loving how giggly you were and we were ALL impressed how great you handled your shots! Such a big girl these days, I can't even deal.
Here are your most recent stats:
-weight: 14.6 lbs [24%]
-height: 25 inches even [59%]
head: 40.9 cm [47%]
--I googed the conversion to inches - which is 16.1 inches, which means that you desperately need new headbands, because your biggest ones are 14-15".
But don't worry, I already put in a couple orders for new ones for you :)
-you have definitely started teething! No signs of a tooth breaking through, but it's definitely coming soon. Your gums are swollen, you're more fussy than normal & you're constantly sucking and drooling over everything
-you're quite the pro at rolling over now. tummy-to-back & vise versa.
-you prefer to sleep on your tummy almost always.
-you are ALL smiles ALL the time. If you're not smiling, your squeeling with laughter or having major outburts of laughter. It's the sweetest thing ever.
- you talk a lot more now and are constantly coo-ing or "talking" to yourself, even at night it wakes us up sometimes when we hear you just talking & talking away to yourself or your hands, they are definitely your favorites.
-you are SUPER tickelish. Like, instantly squeels & yells and scooting away everytime we tickle you. It's hilarious.
- you still love being naked - and you have the same reaction everytime we change your diaper or your clothes; it's the funniest thing to you. Dad's definitely not a fan of how much you love being clothes-less. lol.
-you know who mommy, daddy & brother are! & not sure which one you love more (probably gunner if I had to pick) - but you smile ear-to-ear anytime you spot one of us in a room or see us come home after work or being gone.
& There's nothing sweeter than knowing you recognize when we're gone & return.
- you still scoot yourself around on your play mat, in general you just don't like to stay stil very long.
- you're super long now and have insanely long legs - you're almost too long for your baby bathtub.
-speaking of baths, you still love bath time and playing with the water - but now we have to "prep" the kitchen before any baths because you kick and play so much you get water EVERYWHERE by the time the bath is over.
- you've gotten bath "post-bath" but still act like you're being tortured when it comes time to cleaning your nose or ears. dramatic is an understatement.
- you've grown a ton this last month, mostly in your thights. You finally have some chubby rolls on your thighs and arms and OH MY GOODNESS they are the cutest!! I take pictures all the time of your baby chub just because I know soon you'll be losing them.
-you'll probably ready to try rice cereal next month! (that's the plan)
-you LOVE your hands and toes & always are playing with them.
-you always always always have to have something in your hands - whether its your doll, your clothes, my hair or my clothes - you can't have empty hands or you freak out.
-your two favorite things in the world right now: your dolly (#1 BFF) and your seahorse that lights up and sings to you. You can't sleep or nap w/o either of them & they make car rides possible (thanks guys).
-you scratch your head, rub your eyes & play with your hair now.
-your feet haven't grown much so no shoes of yours fit quite yet, except your fuzzy slippers.
-you LOVE the bumbo and your bouncer! you still prefer to be laying flat on the ground so you can roll around as you please - but sometimes you really just want to be sitting - and those are your favorite things.
-yes, you are a bumbo PRO! My goal is to have you sitting on your own within the next month or so, that way you can be sitting in your 6 month photos!
{don't tell dad but I picked out the most beautiful dress for you to wear in your photos in May IF you can sit up and show it off! Otherwise, another lace romper it is - which is also fine, but you get the point}
- you're not really a fan of the carrier yet, at least not for periods longer than 15 minutes
-you really only cry when you're hungry, need a diaper change or want to be held - you're very easy to read though and overall a really happy girl!
-speaking of cries - if you get hurt {for instance gunner touching you with a toy} - you have a very delayed reaction before you cry. Like, by the time you are crying we have NO clue where or what happened because literally five minutes have passed before you start whaling.
-you LOVE LOVE LOVE your brother - he always makes you laugh and no matter where he's at in the house - you're GLUED to him. You just watch him and laugh, it's so sweet.
-With that though, you love him but HATE his toys. We don't need to go into details why.
- I am one happy HAPPY mama to say that you a TOTAL mama's girl! I mean, sometimes you prefer daddy over me- but in most cases, you just want me. And going from gunner who was the total opposite - yes, I could NOT be happier about this!
you're a very friendly girl now! You seem to enjoy people now and playing with them more. But, at the same time - you still mean mug like crazy. Haha!
-you are very stubborn already. if you want something - you will keep working at it or crying for it until you get it. For instance, if you want to roll over and are too tired - you will just keep trying and trying to throw your body over (and yelling) until we come over and give you that final nudge to roll over completely. Then your back to smiling & happy as a clam!
- you're SUPER photogenic now! (yayyy for that!) you now know how to smile and laugh on command and I am CONSTANTLY taking pictures of you and your brother because you're both so dang good at smiling on que!
-clothes: you are growing like a weed right now, so you're in 0-3/ 3 month sizes now and i'm sure will be completely into 3/3-6 very soon.
-feedings: you drink a 4-5 ounce bottle per feeding now, and you are hungry every 2-4 hours usually. yes, growing like a weed!
-sleeping: LOL. well, you're not a fan of that word quite yet. some nights are great and you'll sleep a solid 5 hours. but moreso than not, you wake up every 3-4 hours for a bottle and then go back to sleep. and then there are still nights where sleep is just not apart of your plan and you want to play and be wide awake by 3-4am.
Yeah, mom's mastered the "coverup the dark circles" w/makeup trick thanks to you, lol!
well, those are the big ones for this month.
I know it's a TON of new things, right?
Like I said - you are growing like a weed these days and it seems like everyday you are learning something new or trying to jump 10 steps ahead!
I can't even take it.
But, as sad as I am at how fast your infant days are going by - I also am LOVING each of these new milestones and stages with you.
I absolutely love this age though with you and am doing my best to soak it all up.
You are just such a sweet girl, kenzie. I couldn't have imagined a more loving and sweet little girl to call ours.
Everyday I ask myself how we got so lucky to have TWO healthy & HAPPY little babies to call our own. You both are such amazing little souls & make your dad and I happier than we ever imagined possible.
I am so excited for the next months and to see you start sitting and scooting and crawling!
It's going to be so fun, and I know the fun is just getting started!
Here's to you princess, all four beautiful months of you! <3