Thursday, June 13, 2013

A little lady

Well, it has been confirmed for 1000 & 1 percent...
We are having a little GIRL!!!!
& We could NOT be more thrilled!
Originally when we found out that I was pregnant, I actually was hoping for a little boy, just because the idea of having another little Gunner was beyond exciting to me. But Rick was really hoping for a girl because he's always wanted one of each. The second I seen her on the monitors at our 16 week ultrasound a few weeks ago (I go to find out early because I'm WAY too impatient to wait until 20 weeks!) - I knew in my heart it was a girl before they even started looking. & my heart just filled up with love for her the moment her little face showed up on the screen.
& Today we had our 20 week ultrasound/ gender reveal with our actual doctor - and it was confirmed that we are having a little girl<3
This was our announcement photo we took of Gunner when he seen all the pink balloons flying out. He is going to make the CUTEST big brother in the whole world. I already can see it.
Every girl always dreams about having a little girl of their own. To dress up with bows & dresses, get their nails done with & do their hair & makeup with. Take shopping and stay up & watch lifetime movies with. Girl talk & lunch dates. And now I get to have all that. As happy as I would have been to have another little Gunner in our life, this is even better. Because now we will experience the very best of both worlds. And now we have a little Rick & a little Roya. I am completely overjoyed.
I am extremely close with my mom, she is my very best friend. We talk to each other every single day on our drives to work and on the way home after work. We see each other every weekend and at least once during the work week. I couldn't imagine us being any closer - and that is exactly what I am looking forward to most knowing that now I will have a daughter of my own.
Today we had our (we thought) 19 week ultrasound. But actually once they took all her anatomy scans and measurements - they realized I am a little further than we originally had thought, and I am actually 20 weeks! Talk about exciting news, I am now halfway through this pregnancy!
In (probably less than) 20 weeks we will meet our DAUGHTER!
Here are some pictures of our beautiful little lady that we got today at our ultrasound<3
Also, we had picked out her name a long time ago but were going to keep it a secret until she was born, but I honestly am just no good at it. I love her name it's hard not to say it all the time.
So here she is, Mckenzie Aurora Ornelas

At 20 weeks, she is growing perfectly on schedule and is NOW due October 31st (one week earlier because their original date was off). We got to spend over an hour with her today and watch her twirl and dance around in mommy's belly. She has all her arms, legs, toes & fingers and is looking absolutely perfect. She's even got a little booty on her already and had us all laughing because we could see her little butt cheeks in the sonogram! Daddy & Gunner got to meet her for the first time today and I must say - we are a little more than excited to meet our newest addition to complete our family. We are now officially halfway through our journey to meet you, littlest one

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Today I have a SEVEN month old!

I literally cannot even wrap my brain around this.
S E V E N months?!

For some reason everything past six months just sounds incredibly too old.
But yes, it's true. Seven months have flown by since our little baby entered the world, and now - well I am finally accpeting the fact that is he is not a little baby anymore. 
I realize that mostly when  he's flying around the house and I'm chasing after him!
This month was the biggest month yet, and the most fun!
Every month he gets more active and more personality, but WOWzers! These last couple months he has just made leaps & bounds of progress and is such a big boy now!!
And yes, this is my very favorite month so far for sure!
But boy, is he keeping us busy!
Not to mention, the faster he gets - the slower mom's getting because the little lady in my belly is definitely growing too! Lol, so that's a fun combo. I can't even imagine chasing Gunner around the house a few months from now, big belly & all! LOL!

But yes, Gunner man - you are quite amazing! Here's a lookback at your biggest milestones & updates from this last month:
- you definitely have grown now (yay!) all that baby food, I can already feel a difference in picking you up and lugging your carseat around.
- you are now breaking in your summer (6 month) wardrobe! You still can wear the 3 month sizes, but these are nice and loose and more comfy. and SO CUTE! I'm so excited you are finally able to wear all the outfits I bought you for summer!
- You are completely & constantly on the move! Nonstop crawling all over the place! People always told me this day would come, and boy were they right! It is so fun watching you speed across the room and chase your daddy & Grizzly across the house, but boy do you ware us out! By the end of the day when you go to bed, we just plop on the couch and pass out instantly almost because we are so exhausted. You sure are keeping us busy little man!
- You are officially sleeping ALL night EVERY night in your crib!! Huge deal right there! It was hard at first (more for me) but we got through it and now I love it more than anything. You sleep so much better and longer - and now we have established a bed time too! (major breakthrough)
- You are very very vocal! All day long you are talking and laughing. We even have conversations now and I swear I've heard you get close to saying a couple words. Maybe in the next few months your first word will pop out :)
- You now have FOUR teeth. Your two top ones came in and they are so dang cute! Now you got a mouth full of teeth when you smile! But OUCH when you bite now!
- Cutest update: You can reach your arms up when you want to be held. It's the sweetest thing! If we walk over to you and you want us, you just hold your hands up for us. Nothing as sweet as knowing you want us<3
- Everyday more and more it is confirmed how much your daddy is your best friend. Now you can hear him come home on his bike, and will crawl down the hallway with your toys and play there until he comes in the door to get you. And you pretty much follow him whenever possible around the house. It's the cutest thing how much of a daddy's boy you are - and he loves it too! You definitely us both wrapped around your fingers.
- CUTEST UPDATE EVER: So, this is sorta mean to admit because it's sad, but I deep down love this: Now when you're upset and crying or having a meltdown - you look for me in the room, and you crawl over to me everytime (while crying the whole time) and crawl over to me and crawl up and into my lap so I can rock you.. then you are instantly fine again. It happens almost every night when you are fussy and it's about to be bedtime and anytime you get upset - and it MELTS my heart every single time, instantly.
- You are now walking in your walker! Every night while I make dinner, you walk around the whole kitchen and we dance to music together. It's our special routine at night.
- You're a huge jumper now! Your legs are so strong now and you are constantly using them to stand up against things or walk along the couch. Jumping and standing, all in one month. CRAZINESS. I know you'll stand here very soon by yourself, you're so close already.
Those are biggest things this month. You have such a big personality and are just the most amazing little baby I've ever seen. You make everyone laugh and shock everyone with how crazy fast you are growing and how fast you learning all these new things! You amaze your dad & me more every day and we are just having the most fun ever with you. We are planning our first family trip soon and are really excited. We love you Gunner bear and we could not have imagined or asked for a more perfect baby. You are perfect & you make our lives so happy every day. I can't even imagine what more could happen, but we'll have to wait and see what new things you learn in the next month!
Love always, mom