Wednesday, May 22, 2013

six months going on toddler

Six months old.
It is by far the most adventurous age we've encountered so far.
EVERYDAY is something new!
I seriously could blog every single day because that's how often Gunner does or learns something new. He's like a whole new baby, so full of life and curiousity. It's just so overwhelmingly amazing to witness this age and all these big things he's doing.

I've come to accept it, my baby is not a baby anymore.
He's not a brand new little baby who cries and sleeps and just wants to cuddle and eat all day long. He's his own person now.
He's got a big personality already and is growing faster than I ever imagined.
Maybe it's just my hormones (now being 4 months pregnant) but I find myself crying a lot more just watching him grow so stinkin fast! It's amazing to watch and so much fun, but it's hard on a mommy too!
Two weeks ago he started crawling. Now you cannot keep up with him he is so fast and he is ALL OVER THE HOUSE. Every few days I find another thing to baby proof because he's too dang smart for me! he finds everything!

Last week he learned to sit up by himself! I mean, he rolls over and sits on his own - without my help or holding him... i'll look over and hey! my little baby is sitting up like a big kid! crazy.
This week - he's doing everything he can to stand up. STAND UP. as in, next stop I'm walking around! He arches his back up as high as he can and is constantly pulling himself up against things to try and stand.
He goes crazy everytime I put him in his chair and bib him up because he knows the good food is coming. And so far, he loves every flavor of the level 2 foods! We may not have a picky eater on our hands afterall (hopefully)

He's also sleeping in his crib every night by himself now, and now - does not even cry more than a couple minutes before rolling over and going to sleep on his own. That one is the toughest one for me because it's obvious he's gaining his independence and not needing me as much anymore. He sleeps through the night alone, and I wake up every five minutes to see if he maybe needs me for anything.
These are like teenager mom problems you guys!
I know this is all normal. But it's just mind blowing to me how fast he is growing and how much faster he wishes he could grow! This is the catch 22 of parenting, you love watching them grow, but it breaks your heart watching them grow so stinkin fast! Ugh.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Baby food expirmenting

We have found a winner!
For the last few weeks I have been trying to introduce Gunner to baby food (Level 1) and he absolutely has hated every single flavor. Which is crazy to me because he loves mashed up fruit in his little "Munchkin" mesh food eater. But then when it came time to try those same fruits in baby food form - it was a NO go! One bite and he had the biggest sour face and then wouldn't even let me put the spoon close to him again.
I was getting so disappointed! & Scared too because at his checkup, his doctor said that he is underweight (roughly 15 pounds still) but since he's so active it's probably because he is burning so many calories. But she still made it a point that he starts eating more and more baby food to gain more nutrients & a little weight. So naturally - when he didn't like any of the foods we were trying - I was incredibly scared!! Anything with him I am paranoid about and the words "underweight" and "needs nutrients" were all I kept thinking each time he spit out that food!
But after taking it to facebook with an "advice post" for all the mommies & daddies out there - I got some great tips to help integrate baby food into his diet! Most people said to try Level 2 foods because they are much thicker and not so watery and bitter.
So last night Rick, Gunner & myself went on a trip to Target to raid the baby food aisle. We must have bought every single Level 2 food there was - we were bound & determined that we would find something he liked (besides his normal oatmal you mix with formula - he'll eat that for every meal if he cuold!) We got fruits, veggies, dinner options & every single oatmeal & fruit combo there was (since he's such an oatmeal fan) - and we took them home to start experimenting!
Rick lined up all the foods and let Gunner pick out what he wanted to try first. He picked out Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal (yum!) and we sat him down, bibbed him up, and gave him a taste.

Picking out his choice for the evening!

He kept laughing and kicking his legs for more and everytime I took the spoon away he would reach for it! Oh my gosh, happiest mommy moment!!! SUCCESSS!! He kept eating and eating until there was NONE left! All my panic and anxiety went away and now I think we may be onto something!
Level 2 foods are way thicker & have a lot more things mixed together so it's not so sour or bitter. I'm so excited to have him start trying all of these flavors and foods we got! We both picked out what we thought sounded good so I'm excited to also see whose taste buds he favors more, mine or dads!
Now my only question is how much baby food vs. formula do I give him on a daily basis? He LOVES oatmeal and his rice cereal, but I need to start incorporating the baby food as well into his daily routine, along with his formula bottles too. I did some research this morning on it and came across this great breakdown, so I wanted to share it
It's a breakdown of what/when/how much foods babies should be eating during each stage of development! Whew! Gotta love google! Now all my anxiety is gone and we're on a new schedule of new foods! How exciting!
I'm really excited to see what foods he picks out tonight for dinner! 

Monday, May 13, 2013

my very first mothers day

Yesterday marked my very first Mother's Day!
Last year I did get a card from both of my parents since it was my first mothers day "with child", but this year was different - this year I actually had my baby with me, and actually know now what this holiday is all about, and what mothehood really is all about.
Every year I love spoiling my mom & grandma - this year was the first year that I got to get spoiled too. It was really really nice:)
Gunner and I had lots of fun shopping on Friday after his doctor appt and getting all the gifts for the women in our life. We ordered pictures for all the grandmas (mine, Rick & his) and then I had to do some shopping for my own mom too! Then we bought a whole stack of cards and signed each of them and then daddy signed them after work. We were all set for a big day of mother-loving!
Rick had to work, so Gunner & I spent our day making rounds to drop off gifts to all the beautiful moms & grandmas in our lives. We started off with my mom's house for swimming and brunch! & she definitely got S P O I L E D. But, she deserves everything & more!
I got my mom a BIG plant (she loves gardening at her new house) and a whole set of adorable floral gardening tools (thanks Target!) A big rake, shovel & water dispenser and cute patterend garden tote bag. Then Gunner got her her very own Tomato Garden kit and a framed picture (you can never have enough of those!) She was totally surprised and it was the best!
Gunner loves his GG!

First time in a bathing suit in years, but luckily I did happent to have my maternity suit from last Summer! Had to pull it out for Gunner's first pool day with me!

Such a little fish! This is his second time swimming and he just loves the water. I knew he would after his obsession with bath time. I think it's time to invest in a baby pool for him at our house because he's the happiest when he's in the water.

They had such a blast swimmng all morning together!
Aunt Karin came too so Gunner had lots of fun with all us girls!

Gunner's little sibling is growing pretty fast in mommy's belly!
This week will be 15 weeks along

Gunner couldn't get out of his bathing suit. Little boy loves being naked. He would not let me put his diaper on him before crawling off. Those baby rolls are too stinkin cute to not get a picture of!

After a fun morning of swimming at GG's house - we were off to my family's lunch. My Grandma wasn't feeling well so unfortunately we didn't get to see her, but my dad and uncle sure spoiled Karin & Me for mothers day! They took us to our favorite Persian Restaraunt and we both got Mothers Day Cards and gifts from them. It was so sweet! Then my dad brought apple cider for us (pregnant or not, that's my drink of choices for all special occassions!) & Then my dad would NOT let me hold or take care of Gunner at all - he told me that it was my special day so I was "baby free" for an entire lunch! Talk about being pampered, it was my first hot meal in months! It was beautiful!
My family is so funny. They always keep us laughing! Never a dull moment that's for sure!
After lunch we rushed over to Rick's Moms house so Gunner could spend some time with Grandma Leslie, Auntie Riley & Grandpa Mike! He absolutely LOVES going over there! We tried to get Gunner back in the pool but he was too tired, so he relaxed and played with Grandma by the pool by Auntie Riley swam. Then he got to watch daddy & Riley play catch out front and then played and played until it was dinner time. They made a delicious BBQ Dinner of Steaks & Shrimp! It was quite the meal indeed! We were there most the evening then got home around 9pm!
We still have 2 gifts for the two ladies we didn't get to see! My Grandma & Ricks Grandma! Both of which we will see this week though so Gunner can give them their special gifts we got them :)
Twas a LONG, but Beautiful 1st Mothers Day! Nothing makes my heart happier than seeing the ones I love happy - and I think we did a great job of spoiling all the women in our life. & it was so special getting spoiled too on my very 1st Mothers Day! Already looking forward to next year!

I now have a SIX month old!

This month has been so chaotic, I am so embarassed at how late this post is!
& with no pictures yet, to boot! But I promise those are coming in the next few days.
Life at the Ornelas household is just nonstop go go go right now, so by the time it's bedtime, Gunner is in no mood for pictures! BUT luckily we did get some pretty amazeballs photos done by our photographer, so here's a couple to hold you over until his blog photos are taken this week :)

Well my love, you are now six months old.
Half a year old.
Roughly 182 days old.
& 26 weeks old.
I was really dreading this month, because it would just mean that you weren't a little baby anymore. But, as much as it breaks my heart to see you growing up so fast - I must say, this is the very best age yet! You are so full of life and curiousity. You are just so much fun. Everyday you have me laughing and in amaznement just watching you. It's definitely the funnest age yet. HOWEVER, that does not mean I give you permission to grow any faster, no matter how much fun you are - the next big milestone is ONE year old, and I am just not ready for that!
I could go on for days on all of your progress and new things - but as always, I'll try my best to narrow it down to the biggest & best milestones this month.
You just had your six month checkeckup & these are your most recent stats:
- Weight: 15.14 (17%)
-Height: 27.25 (73%)
-Head: 43 (36%)
Dr. Takamoto said that you are underweight right now, but it's nothing to worry about just because of how active you are - you are just burning off all your calories. But it's not expected that you'll be a big guy, but afterall - look at your dad & me, lol - it's to be expected.
-This month we started you on Rice Cereal for the first time! You loved eating off of a spoon! Very messy, but you loved the change from the bottle. You have now passed that and are onto Oatmeal! Which you LOVE. You get a bowl in the morning and 2 bowls at night because you cry until you get all that you want. You love your oatmeal now & it is so fun feeding you!
- We got you a bumbo this month and have been working with you to sit and now you can actually sit by yourself for almost a minute straight! Longer each day. It's nuts how fast you caught on!
- Every single thing you see you pick up, throw around, and eventually goes into your mouth. Baby proofing has been real fun this month. Everything you see you think is yours.
- You have TWO full teeth in, and two more coming in the top now! Everybody goes gaga over your smiles because all you see are those two precious teeth sticking out at the bottom! Adorable.
- You are now a full-time, non-stop CRAWLER. Your dad and I laugh all the time at how fast you are at getting all around the house. You don't have the "position" down yet, it's more of an "army crawl" but it's the cutest thing ever, and you are really fast!
- You're favorite thing to do is chase Grizzly around the house. She is seriously your best toy right now because you crack up laughing just watching her walk around and bark at the window. It's the funniest thing you two - we just have to keep reminding you that you can't share toys, as much as you want to give her yours and take hers - it doesn't quite work that way. But you do try & share, so that's admirable of course.
- You are almost completely out of all your 3 month clothes. But you are still too small for your 6 month ones, so you're either swimming in your clothes or a little tight in them. But soon enough they will fit - and you have an entire summer wardrobe waiting for you.
- We have finally transitioned you into the crib. YES I KNOW, how crazy that we just now are starting?! Well it's the truth, you have been with us in bed till now. Basically, you are a huge cuddler like me & yeah, I couldn't bare leaving you alone. But you are getting better at it slowly & slowly and dads sometimes stays in there for over an hour with you till you fall asleep so that you aren't afraid. But, I can't lie - we bring you back for your early morning feeding to sleep with us. What can I say? It's a transition for us too to not have you right next to us.
- You take your baths in our shower/tub now like a big boy! And you love it because you can stretch out and splash as much as you want! And you love all the extra bubbles that fit in there!
- Your hair is almost completely blonde now. Haha, one less trait from your mama!
- I'm pretty sure your eyes are staying this color, and I am so thankful for that. Next to your cheeks, eyebrows & your dimple - your eye color is one of the biggest things people comment on - and I'm so happy they are here to stay. They are a beautiful bright green, with a touch of blue. But you actually do have a little flake of yellow in one - that matches up to my little flake. They are perfect.
- You play pretty hard with your toys. You're like a real boy now. You play all day long with your toys and are all over the house with them and always have to have one with you (Usually your Jake doll from "Jake & the Wonderly Pirates"). But you play so hard you have actually started getting little scratches from playing too rough with them. I try and take out those toys from your collection when it happens, but dad says it's all apart of being a boy. BOY, ugh, a few months ago you were just a BABY. Now you are a 100% boy.
Well, there are dozens of other things I could talk about that you do everyday - but these are the biggest. You are not a baby anymore Guner, it's crazy how fast it flew by - but it's been the most amazing experience watching you learn & grow each and every day. You are the happiest baby I have ever seen, and everyone notices it. I can't imagine having a baby any more perfect than you. You make us the happiest people in the world, and you are a joy for everyone to be around. I am really excited to see all the fun things you learn and do in the next six months. And mommy has already started planning your big birthday bash for when you turn one. But that doesn't mean you need to rush to get there, you are already growing up way faster than my heart can take little man!
As always, we love you & here's to the next month of milestones & new things you do!