This month has been so chaotic, I am so embarassed at how late this post is!
& with no pictures yet, to boot! But I promise those are coming in the next few days.
Life at the Ornelas household is just nonstop go go go right now, so by the time it's bedtime, Gunner is in no mood for pictures! BUT luckily we did get some pretty amazeballs photos done by our photographer, so here's a couple to hold you over until his blog photos are taken this week :)
Well my love, you are now six months old.
Half a year old.
Roughly 182 days old.
& 26 weeks old.
I was really dreading this month, because it would just mean that you weren't a little baby anymore. But, as much as it breaks my heart to see you growing up so fast - I must say, this is the very best age yet! You are so full of life and curiousity. You are just so much fun. Everyday you have me laughing and in amaznement just watching you. It's definitely the funnest age yet. HOWEVER, that does not mean I give you permission to grow any faster, no matter how much fun you are - the next big milestone is ONE year old, and I am just not ready for that!
I could go on for days on all of your progress and new things - but as always, I'll try my best to narrow it down to the biggest & best milestones this month.
You just had your six month checkeckup & these are your most recent stats:
- Weight: 15.14 (17%)
-Height: 27.25 (73%)
-Head: 43 (36%)
Dr. Takamoto said that you are underweight right now, but it's nothing to worry about just because of how active you are - you are just burning off all your calories. But it's not expected that you'll be a big guy, but afterall - look at your dad & me, lol - it's to be expected.
-This month we started you on Rice Cereal for the first time! You loved eating off of a spoon! Very messy, but you loved the change from the bottle. You have now passed that and are onto Oatmeal! Which you LOVE. You get a bowl in the morning and 2 bowls at night because you cry until you get all that you want. You love your oatmeal now & it is so fun feeding you!
- We got you a bumbo this month and have been working with you to sit and now you can actually sit by yourself for almost a minute straight! Longer each day. It's nuts how fast you caught on!
- Every single thing you see you pick up, throw around, and eventually goes into your mouth. Baby proofing has been real fun this month. Everything you see you think is yours.
- You have TWO full teeth in, and two more coming in the top now! Everybody goes gaga over your smiles because all you see are those two precious teeth sticking out at the bottom! Adorable.
- You are now a full-time, non-stop CRAWLER. Your dad and I laugh all the time at how fast you are at getting all around the house. You don't have the "position" down yet, it's more of an "army crawl" but it's the cutest thing ever, and you are really fast!
- You're favorite thing to do is chase Grizzly around the house. She is seriously your best toy right now because you crack up laughing just watching her walk around and bark at the window. It's the funniest thing you two - we just have to keep reminding you that you can't share toys, as much as you want to give her yours and take hers - it doesn't quite work that way. But you do try & share, so that's admirable of course.
- You are almost completely out of all your 3 month clothes. But you are still too small for your 6 month ones, so you're either swimming in your clothes or a little tight in them. But soon enough they will fit - and you have an entire summer wardrobe waiting for you.
- We have finally transitioned you into the crib. YES I KNOW, how crazy that we just now are starting?! Well it's the truth, you have been with us in bed till now. Basically, you are a huge cuddler like me & yeah, I couldn't bare leaving you alone. But you are getting better at it slowly & slowly and dads sometimes stays in there for over an hour with you till you fall asleep so that you aren't afraid. But, I can't lie - we bring you back for your early morning feeding to sleep with us. What can I say? It's a transition for us too to not have you right next to us.
- You take your baths in our shower/tub now like a big boy! And you love it because you can stretch out and splash as much as you want! And you love all the extra bubbles that fit in there!
- Your hair is almost completely blonde now. Haha, one less trait from your mama!
- I'm pretty sure your eyes are staying this color, and I am so thankful for that. Next to your cheeks, eyebrows & your dimple - your eye color is one of the biggest things people comment on - and I'm so happy they are here to stay. They are a beautiful bright green, with a touch of blue. But you actually do have a little flake of yellow in one - that matches up to my little flake. They are perfect.
- You play pretty hard with your toys. You're like a real boy now. You play all day long with your toys and are all over the house with them and always have to have one with you (Usually your Jake doll from "Jake & the Wonderly Pirates"). But you play so hard you have actually started getting little scratches from playing too rough with them. I try and take out those toys from your collection when it happens, but dad says it's all apart of being a boy. BOY, ugh, a few months ago you were just a BABY. Now you are a 100% boy.
Well, there are dozens of other things I could talk about that you do everyday - but these are the biggest. You are not a baby anymore Guner, it's crazy how fast it flew by - but it's been the most amazing experience watching you learn & grow each and every day. You are the happiest baby I have ever seen, and everyone notices it. I can't imagine having a baby any more perfect than you. You make us the happiest people in the world, and you are a joy for everyone to be around. I am really excited to see all the fun things you learn and do in the next six months. And mommy has already started planning your big birthday bash for when you turn one. But that doesn't mean you need to rush to get there, you are already growing up way faster than my heart can take little man!
As always, we love you & here's to the next month of milestones & new things you do!